
The Lewis Legacy-Issue 76, Spring 1998 News and Views

The Lewis Legacy-Issue 76, Spring 1998 The C.S. Lewis Foundation for Truth in Publishing

“C. S. Lewis as Critic (and His Critics)” by Leland Ryken of Wheaton College, at the 15th annual Cornerstone Festival, Bushnell, IL, 1-5 July 1998. Call 773-989-2087 for information about the great array of speakers and activities. Total camp cost: $75 per adult.

“C. S. Lewis’ Intellectual, Theological and Literary World” will be taught by Paul Holmer of Yale University Divinity School, Roma King of the University of Texas, and James Patrick of College of St. Thomas Moore. Academic courses on Augustine and Anglicanism also. Nashotah House in Wisconsin, 6-31 July 1998. Call 1-800-NASHOTAH.

James Prothero has notified the Southern California C. S. Lewis Society that after serving as editor of The Lamp-Post for six years he will be retiring in a few months to pursue his doctorate and further his career.

A Clean Heart Create in Me. Creative Communications for the Parish, Phone 800-325-9414. A 32-page booklet with a Bible verse, Lewis passage, and one or two sentence prayer for every day in Lent.

Till We Have Faces is no longer available in a mass market edition and is only published in trade copies at a bit more than double the price. This HarperCollins decision is bad news for teachers who like to make it assigned reading for their students, and it is bound to decrease purchases of what is generally considered Lewis’s greatest fiction.

Walter Hooper and Owen Barfield’s son and daughter-in-law attended him at his death in mid-December. As one of Barfield’s trustees, Hooper cleared out the room where he had been living.

Narnia was a Roman colony mentioned in several ancient accounts of the Punic Wars. According to a note in MERELEWIS, it is now called Narni and has an Internet webpage: The mother-in-law of Pliny the Younger had a lovely villa there.