
Students Should be Taught Alternatives to Evolution

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Original Article
On Sept. 10, Norbert Bufka dealt with the controversy swirling around whether consideration of creationism and intelligent design should be permitted in public schools. Leading up to his negative conclusion on the issue, he made some misleading statements concerning the Bible. He alleged that the account of creation in the second chapter of Genesis is different from that of chapter one. I believe that a careful reading of them will clarify that chapter two is a more detailed exposition of some teachings from chapter one.

Mr. Bufka stated that “There is nothing in the Bible that even remotely suggests that God made a list of writings that belong in the Bible and said that He was the author of them.” Actually, the Bible contains clear references to the fact that it came from God, such as 2 Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 1:1. Whether or not one believes, this is a matter that each person must answer for himself or herself. The compilation of the Bible is believed by Christians to have been guided by the Holy Spirit who gave the insight to early church leaders to discern the writings which were divine revelation from those spuriously claiming to be such.

Contrary to another assertion by Mr. Bufka, I believe the first five books of the Bible to be more than myth. They are truth in and of themselves, not merely vehicles to convey a message. Mr. Bufka charged that “creationism is not science nor is intelligent design.” I am not a scientist; my doctorate is in history, so detailed responses to that statement should come from others more qualified. It should be evident, though, to anyone who as given even a cursory glance at the controversy that intelligent design advocates approach the matter not from the vantage point of faith, but rather examine facts, analyze them and draw a conclusion as to the logical source of all that exists.

What aggravates opponents is that scientists supporting intelligent design rejected Darwinian evolution and determined that the evidence points to a Creator. While it is true that creationism is taught in the Bible, scientists believing in it do study scientific data and scientifically examine the phenomena of the natural world.

Mr. Bufka’s advocating the removal of creationism and intelligent design from being considered in public schools leaves Darwinian evolution as the state-established belief system, a serious error and denial of academic freedom. All three of them, creationism, intelligent design — and Darwinian evolution — should be taught with each individual free to accept whatever he or she chooses.

John M. Pafford is a Midland resident and an adjunct professor of history at Northwood University.