
Articles Advocating Teaching the Controversy

Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture has long advocated the idea of teaching the strengths and weaknesses about Darwinian evolution. There have been a surprising number of recent articles advocating this approach, and below are a number of linked articles relating to the topic.

Evolution: Debate it
By: Stephen C. Meyer & John Angus Campbell
USA Today
August 14, 2005
Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, and John Campbell is a Fellow of the CSC

Explain Evolution’s Weakness
By: Pete Chadwell
Ben Bulletin
July 3, 2006

Anti-ID Stance is Good Old Intolerance Again
By: David K. DeWolf and Randall Wegner
Philadelphia Inquirer
October 18, 2005

‘Intelligent design’ theory definitely belongs in biology class — as a history lesson in the evolution of thought.
By: Crispin Sartwell
October 3, 2005
Crispin Sartwell teaches political science at Dickinson College. He is the author of “End of Story: Toward an Annihilation of Language and History” (SUNY, 2000)

Let ‘Intelligent Design’ and Science Rumble
By: Michael Balter
Los Angeles Times
October 2, 2005

The Timeless Truth of Creation
By: Jeff Jacoby
Boston Globe
October 2, 2005

All Sides of the Issue Belong in Classroom
By: Casey Luskin
Philadelphia Inquirer
September 28, 2005
Casey Luskin is the program officer for public policy and legal affairs for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture

To Debate or Not to Debate Intelligent Design?
By: Gerald Graff
Inside Higher Ed
September 28, 2005
Gerald Graff is a professor of English and education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is the author of Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education(W. W. Norton, 1992) and Clueless in Academe: How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind (Yale University Press, 2003).

Intelligent Design Revisited
By: David Limbaugh
August 22, 2005
David Limbaugh is a syndicated columnist who blogs at

Darwin’s Compost
By: George Neumayr
American Thinker
August 4, 2005
George Neumayr is executive editor of The American Spectator

Open debate on Intelligent Design
By: Charles C. Haynes
Springfield News Leader
June 1, 2005
Charles C. Haynes is a senior scholar at the First Amendment Center, located in Arlington, VA

Teaching students to be ‘competent jurors’ on evolution
By: Doug Cowan
Christian Science Monitor
May 31, 2005
Doug Cowan is a veteran science teacher at Curtis Senior High School in University Place, Wash., where he teaches biology, physiology, and human anatomy

Pomeroy: Rescue Science from Evolutionists
By Marty Pomeroy / Guest Columnist
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Marty Pomeroy lives in Framingham

An Open Letter to the Kansas State Board of Education
By: Dr. Philip S. Skell
Dr. Philip S. Skell
May 12, 2005
Professor Philip S. Skell is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at Penn State University

Stifling Intellectual Inquiry
By: Richard John Neuhaus
First Things
April 30, 2005
Richard John Neuhaus is Editor-in-Chief of “First Things”

Students Should Learn the Weak Points of Evolutionary Theory, Too
By: Dave Eaton
Minneapolis Star Tribune
April 24, 2005
Dave Eaton is a member of the Minnetonka school board and of the Minnesota Standards Writing Committee

Intelligent Design, Unintelligent Me
By: Jay Mathews
Washington Post
April 5, 2005
Jay Mathews is a Staff Writer for the Washington Post

Teaching Darwin:Why we’re still fighting about biology textbook.
By: Paul McHugh
The Weekly Standard
March 28, 2005
Paul McHugh is a university distinguished service professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and former psychiatrist in chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital

Curiosity Won’t Kill Science Classes
By: Richard Gallagher
The Scientist
March 28, 2005
Richard Gallagher is an Editor of The Scientist

Who’s Afraid of Intelligent Design?
By: Jay Mathews
Washington Post
March 23, 2005
Jay Mathews is a Staff Writer for the Washington Post

Objectivity Lost in Debate Over Faith, Evolution
By: John Marshall
The Columbia Daily Tribune
March 22, 2005
John Marshall is a physician and professor of medicine in the University of Missouri School of Medicine’s Department of Internal Medicine

Intelligent Design and Informed Debate
By: Richard Gallagher
The Scientist
February 28, 2005
Richard Gallagher is an editor of The Scientist

A Balanced Approach to Teach Evolution
By: Senator Rick Santorum
The Morning Call
January 23, 2005
Rick Santorum, a Republican, is Pennsylvania’s junior U.S. Senator

Is encouraging critical thinking unconstitutional?
By: Brian Fahling
The Union Leader
January 22, 2005
Brian Fahling is a lawyer and policy analyst at the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy in Tupelo, Miss.

Today’s Fundamentalist Fanatics – – As I See It
By: Michael Medved
King County Journal
January 16, 2005
Michael Medved is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host

Controversy over Life’s Origins: Students Should Learn to Assess Competing Theories
By: Stephen Meyer and John Campbell
San Francisco Chronicle
December 9, 2004
Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, and John Campbell is a Fellow of the CSC

Teaching about Scientific Dissent from Neo-Darwinism (PDF)
Stephen C. Meyer
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
March 16, 2004
Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle

Textbook Debate: It’s All About the Evidence
By: Stephen Meyer
Houston Chronicle
September 19, 2003
Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle

Institute Supports Accurate Science
By: John G. West
San Angelo Standard-Times
August 8, 2003
John West is a senior Fellow at the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute and an Associate Professor of Political Science at Seattle Pacific University

Darwin in the Classroom: Ohio Allows Alternative
By: John G. West
National Review Online
December 17, 2002
John West is a senior Fellow at the Center for Science and Cultute at the Discovery Institute and an Associate Professor of Political Science at Seattle Pacific University

Intelligent Design Could Offer Fresh Ideas on Evolution
By: John G. West
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
December 6, 2002
John West is a senior Fellow at the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute and an Associate Professor of Political Science at Seattle Pacific University

Teach the Controversy
By: Stephen Meyer
Cincinnati Enquirer
March 30, 2002
Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle

Deny, Deny, Deny
By: John G. West
January 5, 2002
John West is a senior Fellow at the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute and an Associate Professor of Political Science at Seattle Pacific University

The New Fundamentalism
By: Gregg Easterbrook
Wall Street Journal
August 8, 2000
Gregg Easterbrook is a senior editor of The New Republic and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution

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Discovery Institute promotes thoughtful analysis and effective action on local, regional, national and international issues. The Institute is home to an inter-disciplinary community of scholars and policy advocates dedicated to the reinvigoration of traditional Western principles and institutions and the worldview from which they issued.