
Discovery Institute Announces 2013 Intelligent Design Summer Science Seminars

Applications being accepted through April 15, 2013

Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture is announcing two intensive nine-day seminars on intelligent design for college and graduate students during the summer of 2013.

“We’re fully aware that ardent defenders of long-entrenched ideas like Darwinism aren’t likely to change their minds,” says senior fellow Dr. Jay Richards who oversees the seminar series. “So we’re investing in the next generation of scientists and scholars. This year we’ll welcome 40 students from all over the world, focusing on two distinct study tracks.”

The first study track, the CSC Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences, will prepare students to make research contributions advancing the growing science of intelligent design (ID). The seminar will explore cutting-edge ID work in fields such as molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, developmental biology, paleontology, computational biology, ID-theoretic mathematics, cosmology, physics, and the history and philosophy of science.

The second study track, the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society, will explore the growing impact of science on politics, economics, social policy, bioethics, theology, and the arts. The program is named after celebrated British writer C.S. Lewis, a perceptive critic of both scientism and technocracy in books such as The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength.

“Many of these students have very promising career trajectories. They are pursuing advanced degrees in fields like biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy, journalism, and law, and are hoping to influence those fields,” said Richards.

Since the program’s inception in 2007, over 170 students have graduated from the seminars, which are held in Seattle. All seminar students attend free of charge. They are college juniors or seniors or already in graduate school and have come from a number of prestigious universities such as Cambridge University, England; University of Turin, Italy; National University, Argentina; St. Petersburg State University, Russia; and American schools including Duke, UC Berkeley, and the University of Washington. Past seminar faculty have included leading scientists and scholars in the intelligent design movement such as Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, Jonathan Wells, Douglas Axe, John West, William Dembski, Michael Denton, Richard Sternberg, Ann Gauger, and Scott Minnich.

Applications will be accepted until Monday, April 15, 2013, although earlier applications may receive priority consideration. Further details about the program, admission requirements and the admission process can be found online at

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