Education Curricula
Science and History/Philosophy of Science
Explore Evolution
Use this complete curriculum (textbook, DVD, outlines and lesson plans, test bank, and Powerpoint presentations) to teach the evidence for and against modern evolutionary theory. Note: This curriculum does not cover intelligent design; it only examines modern evolutionary theory.
Especially suitable for: High school and college biology classes; home school classes; private study; adult enrichment seminars.
Discovering Intelligent Design
This science curriculum (textbook, workbook, and DVD) presents the best evidence from physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology and related fields that provide evidence that nature is the product of intelligent design rather than blind unguided processes.
Especially suitable for: Homeschool educators and private schools.
Icons of Evolution
Use this book, study guide, and DVD to critically examine key evidences offered in support of the modern theory of evolution.
Especially suitable for: High school and college biology classes; home school classes; private study; adult enrichment seminars.
The Case for Intelligent Design
Use this free article by Stephen Meyer and accompanying discussion questions to explore the history, logic, and evidence for intelligent design as a scientific theory. Especially suitable for: Small group discussions, or as one session of an adult Sunday School class on science and faith or intelligent design.
The Roots of Intelligent Design
Use this free collection of readings, audio clips, and discussion questions to explore the intellectual roots of intelligent design in Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and modern thought.
Especially suitable for: Small group discussions, or an adult education mini-course of 2 or 3 sessions.
Science and Faith
TrueU: Does God Exist?
Produced by Focus on the Family, this 10-part DVD series features bestselling author Dr. Stephen Meyer and explores the compatibility of science and faith and how scientific discoveries over the past century have made belief in God more credible. This is a tremendous resource for high school students, college students, and adults. To maximize your use of the series, there is a free downloadable leader’s guide containing lesson plans, discussion questions, handouts, and other resources.
Especially suitable for: Teens, students, parents, other adults.
The Toughest Test in College
This dramatic 45-minute documentary for teens and parents features compelling interviews with young people about their experiences in college, and it includes insights from leading experts on issues relating to science and faith. Available as a bonus feature on the TrueU: Does God Exist? DVD, this documentary can be used as part of a “College Prep Night” for high school teens and their parents. A free downloadable leader’s guide is available for use by churches and private schools with this resource.
Especially suitable for: Teens, students, parents, other adults.
Case for a Creator
Use this DVD, participant’s guide, and book by award-winning journalist Lee Strobel to explore the evidence from physics, astronomy, and biology pointing to the intelligent design of nature.
Especially suitable for: Adult Sunday School classes; small group discussions; private study; adult enrichment seminars.
Michael Behe Investigates Evolution and Intelligent Design
At DiscoveryU, join renowned biochemist Michael Behe as he investigates the amazing evidence in biology for intelligent design and the growing evidence that challenges the modern theory of biological evolution known as Neo-Darwinism. In 41 short and engaging video lectures, Behe tackles explores ranging from the history of biology to the latest biological discoveries. Each video lecture is accompanied by a short quiz, and a special digital certificate of completion is offered for those who finish the course.
The Return of the God Hypothesis
Use this free article by Stephen Meyer and accompanying discussion questions to explore the lines of evidence from science that provide support for a theistic worldview.
Especially suitable for: Small group discussions, or as part of a larger adult Sunday School class on science and faith or intelligent design.
The Design of Life
This self-paced course offers learners the opportunity to dig deeper into The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems, a 300-page college-level classic on intelligent design and evolution by mathematician William Dembski and biologist Jonathan Wells.
Additional Science and Faith Curricula
You can find an expanded list of science and faith curricula at the Faith and Evolution website.
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Starring Ben Stein
Use this thought-provoking documentary film hosted by actor/writer Ben Stein along with a free leader’s guide to educate people about the growing debate over intelligent design and the impact of Darwin’s theory on culture.
Especially suitable for: Adult enrichment seminars, a “movie” night at your organization, and small group discussions.
What Hath Darwin Wrought?
Use this 80-minute DVD along with a free discussion and study guide to explore the cultural impact of “social Darwinism” on Germany, the American eugenics movement, and current debates over the sanctity and dignity of human life.
Especially suitable for: Small groups; adult education classes; adult enrichment seminars; high school classes (home school and private school).