Culture and Ethics

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The Darwin-Fueled Racist Ideas of John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg

On this episode of ID The Future from the vault, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer discusses the move by National Review editor Rich Lowry in 2012 to sever ties with two regular contributors, John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg, after discovering their connections to racialist groups promoting race superiority, eugenics, and other morally repugnant ideas. Klinghoffer explains how Darwinian evolution has informed proponents of these ideas, and how important it is to identify and root out this kind of thinking before it has a chance to pollute respectable institutions and publications. As Klinghoffer makes clear, Darwinian ideas are hardly the only possible source of racist thinking, and of course racism long predates Charles Darwin. But Darwinism has proved fertile soil Read More ›

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China’s Dark Path to Eugenics: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

On this episode of ID The Future, host Tod Butterfield talks with Discovery Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith about the use and abuse of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in China. Read More ›

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What Does Gene-editing with CRISPR Portend for Bioethics?

On this episode of ID The Future, Sarah Chaffee talks with bioethicist Wesley Smith about the gene-editing technique known as CRISPR. Read More ›

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Was Hitler a Creationist? Hitler Historian Says No.

On this episode of ID The Future, Tod Butterfield talks with historian Dr. Richard Weikart about his new book Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich. Read More ›

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When We Should and Shouldn’t Be Skeptical of Science

An actor in Hollywood raises the important question of when people should and shouldn’t be skeptical of claims made in the name of science, inspiring a response from political scientist John West, author of Darwin Day in America. Read More ›

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An Educator Wants to Know: Should Public Schools Teach Intelligent Design?

On this episode of ID: The Future, an educator asks whether teachers in public schools should teach intelligent design. Listen to the replies from Discovery Institute Senior Fellows John West, author of Darwin Day in America, and Jonathan Wells, author of Zombie Science, along with playwright Matt Chait. This conversation was taped live in Hollywood during a discussion after the final performance of Disinherit the Wind, a play that tells the story of a neurobiologist who sues his university for the right to challenge neo-Darwinian evolution.

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Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide and the Corruption of Medicine

On this episode of ID: The Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor talks about how enlisting doctors to perform assisted suicide is a betrayal of longstanding medical ethics. He describes it as an attempt to hijack the respectability of doctors to make the practice seem acceptable.

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Evolutionist Jerry Coyne: Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee, or ID

On this episode of ID: The Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses Jerry Coyne’s free speech double standard. Peter Singer has advocated killing some handicapped newborns in the crib, and after some handicapped people protested and disrupted his lectures, Coyne objected to their infringing on Singer’s free speech rights. But then Read More ›