Culture and Ethics

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Bioethicist Wesley J. Smith Dissects the “Anti-Science” Label

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with bioethicist Wesley J. Smith about a recent article he wrote at First Things. In this article, Smith responds to an accusation that he is “anti-science” for suggesting that science should have ethical boundaries. Listen in as Luskin and Smith discuss how the “anti-science” label, along with similar terms, is often used to try and suppress dialogue and protect scientific orthodoxy.

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David Berlinski: Is Human Nature Improving? Pt. 1

On this episode of ID the Future, Senior Fellow Dr. David Berlinski and Casey Luskin discuss Steven Pinker’s argument from his recent book The Better Angels of Our Nature that human nature is improving. Tune in to this first segment as Dr. Berlinski examines statistical evidence used in support of Pinker’s argument and explains why he has doubts about Pinker’s claim that violence is on the decline.

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Part 3: James Le Fanu on Scientific Limitations

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. James Le Fanu concludes his talk on big science with insight into its increasingly dogmatic tendencies. Science seems to be discovering its boundaries as it becomes laden with more and more indigestible facts. In this third and final segment of the three-part series, Dr. Le Fanu addresses the phenomenon and the paradox of science today as it finds itself limited by materialist assumptions. Dr. James Le Fanu is a critically acclaimed science writer and medical practitioner. He is the author of several books, his most recent being Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves, published in 2009.

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Part 2: James Le Fanu on the Mystery of Life

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. James Le Fanu continues his talk on the state of scientific study today. Despite the general belief that new discoveries in genetics and neuroscience would soon reveal the secret of life, we have instead found that recent findings in these fields have unveiled even more mysteries. Listen in as Dr. Le Fanu discusses the perplexities that we have stumbled upon in this age of scientific exploration. Dr. James Le Fanu is a critically acclaimed science writer and medical practitioner. He is the author of several books, his most recent being Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves, published in 2009.

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Part 1: James Le Fanu and the Current State of Science

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. James Le Fanu explains why this era of big science is both “the best of times and the worst of times.” Despite lavish funding of mega research projects, we are not seeing the same returns that we had a century ago with breakthrough discoveries of the fundamental laws of nature. Read More ›

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“Background Checks” to Root Out Doubts About Darwin?

On this episode of ID The Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer explores the latest developments involving Dr. Ben Carson and the protests surrounding his doubts over Darwinian evolution after being invited to speak at Emory University’s commencement this year. Read More ›

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Writer, Producer Fred Foote Sets the Record Straight with Alleged

On this episode of ID The Future, host David Boze interviews filmmaker Fred Foote, writer and producer of the new feature-length drama Alleged, which seeks to tell the real story behind the infamous 1925 Scopes Trial in Dayton, Tennessee that pitched Darwinian evolution against belief in God. Read More ›

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The Michael Medved Show Weekly Science & Culture Update: Featuring Stephen Meyer & Michael Shermer

On this episode of ID the Future, Stephen Meyer debates Michael Shermer, founder and publisher of Skeptic Magazine, about how Darwinian evolution should be taught in the public school classroom. Should students be allowed to learn about the scientific challenges to neo-Darwinism? Listen in on this candid discussion.