Terahertz and optical wireless communication towers in a futuristic city with softwaredefined networking control centers

COSM: Ethernet Inventor Asks, Are We Ready for New IT Technology?

Bob Metcalfe, winner of the Turing Award, the “Nobel Prize of computing,” for the co-invention of the Ethernet, will offer some thoughts at the upcoming COSM meet on what to expect “Beyond Chips, Silicon, and Data Centers.” He asks, "Will we be spooked by the coming terahertz waferscale paradigm?” Read More ›
Man hands holding global network and data customer connection on nature background.

COSM 2024: Learn More About the Tech That Will Replace the Chip

Tech philosopher George Gilder is feeling pretty pumped about the upcoming COSM meet, October 31 to November 1, 2024 — and with good reason. He’s got a pretty strong lineup of speakers. They aren’t the people who are always in the news. But if you ask insiders, they are some of the people who matter most. Read More ›

Severing the Link: Cutting Ties with China

I want to tell you more about the COSM — our technology summit last month outside Seattle. Among many high points, several Mount Rainier moments stand out a week later. And I’ll get to the TikTok threat soon enough. Read More ›

Reporting Back from the COSM Conference

Humans don’t decide what to build by making choices from some cosmic catalog of options given in advance. Instead, by inventing new technologies we rewrite the plan of the world. Peter Thiel, Zero to One. And we were off, for a three-day tour of the COSM, rewriting the plan of the world in time-money theory, 5G communications vision, artificial intelligence (AI), and crypto-internet architecture. It was my COSM conference at the Westin hotel in Bellevue, across the water and an ideological gulf from downtown Seattle. The conference began with the incandescence of Peter Thiel, declaring his belief in a fully human future that we choose and endow rather than in a machine singularity that chooses us and shunts us aside. Followed with Read More ›