Democracy & Technology Blog AT&T + T-Mobile = ?
Talk about gutsy.
AT&T is set to buy T-Mobile for $39 billion.
AT&T is a giant corporation. When AT&T acquires T-Mobile, the number of national wireless providers will go from 4 to 3. And struggling no. 3 (Sprint) may not have anyone with which to partner.
Is this a disaster? Can government protect the little guy?
T-Mobile is dead in the water. It has run out of gas. It can’t make money.
T-Mobile and AT&T are a natural fit because their networks rely on similar technology. Not true for Verizon Wireless and Sprint.
If the government blocks this merger it will force an economically inefficient (and ultimately unsustainable) outcome. Politicians cannot alter the laws of economics.
This merger is likely a good thing for the economy and for consumers. T-Mobile was an inefficient rival. The government cannot protect losers without blocking winners.