
Democracy & Technology Blog Eminent Net-head Says No to “Neutrality”

Bob Kahn, a key developer of the early Internet, says net neutrality is just “a slogan.”

“If the goal is to encourage people to build new capabilities, then the party that takes the lead is probably only going to have it on their net to start with and it’s not going to be on anyone else’s net. You want to incentivize people to innovate, and they’re going to innovate on their own nets or a few other nets….”
“I am totally opposed to mandating that nothing interesting can happen inside the net,”

(hat tip: Don Luskin)
-Bret Swanson

Bret Swanson

Bret Swanson is a Senior Fellow at Seattle's Discovery Institute, where he researches technology and economics and contributes to the Disco-Tech blog. He is currently writing a book on the abundance of the world economy, focusing on the Chinese boom and developing a new concept linking economics and information theory. Swanson writes frequently for the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal on topics ranging from broadband communications to monetary policy.