Democracy & Technology Blog Malpass or Manny?
The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that the White House may be looking beyond the presumed “list of four” (Lindsey, Bernanke, G. Hubbard, Feldstein) to fill Alan Greenspan’s chair at the Fed. This is great news, as it may open the door for monetary stalwarts like David Malpass of Bear Stearns, or, as Cesar Conda suggests on the Journal’s editorial page, Manuel Johnson, who in 1996 wrote one of the very best books on monetary policy. Malpass and Johnson are supply-siders who favor a price-rule to maintain a stable value of the dollar and who deeply understand the global nature of all economic policy. Columbia’s Glenn Hubbard, who was President Bush’s CEA chair in charge of the excellent 2003 tax cut, might also be a terrific choice, but his views on monetary policy are mostly unknown.
-Bret Swanson