
Image by Kevin Payravi at Wikimedia Commons:

Campus Antisemitism Continues

A largely failed attempt to place ads for a pro-Israel book in ten universities' student papers illustrates the double standard by which many students as well as faculty and administrators treat anti-Israel protestors, on one hand, and Israel supporters on the other. Every university approached recently by Seattle-based Discovery Institute on behalf of The Israel Test by George Gilder, a pro-Israel work published by Encounter Books, has experienced anti-Israel demonstrations. Some had riots. Yet most were treated by authorities with appeasement or even encouragement. Read More ›
joshua hoehne unsplash

Caps, Gowns and Rude Interruptions

Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav had a message for students when he delivered a commencement address at Boston University Sunday: “Show up,” he said. Alas, a number of students at the ceremony had their own message: “Shut up, Zaslav.” Some shouted, “Pay your writers,” a reference to the current Writers Guild of America strike, which was announced on May 2 and has very little to do a college graduation. Other students stood up with their back to Zaslav. Some clapped. Some booed. Many of the adults who shared the stage with Zaslav just sat there, because, apparently, it didn’t bother them if overly entitled students tried to squelch Zaslav’s remarks. At first blush, heckling may seem like an improvement Read More ›


Student Loans: Payment Optional

No one forced students to borrow thousands of dollars for pricey college tuition. So why should taxpayers pick up the tab for Americans who likely will make more money than non-college graduates? Read More ›
classroom of a daycare center without children and teacher
A classroom of a daycare center without children and teacher

Don’t Go to the Head of the Class

If there's one group the education establishment wants to stop, it is parents, many of them Asians, who push their students to excel. Read More ›
Depressed black teenager thinking family problem, young age disa
Depressed black teenager thinking family problem, young age disappointment

Affirmative Action is a Symptom of Our Failing K-12 Education System

Once again, the Supreme Court is set to review race-conscious admissions policies, this time those of Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. Though I don’t favor affirmative action policies, I would argue that both proponents and critics of affirmative action overlook a far more important issue: the failure of America’s K-12 education system, which creates the wide educational disparities affirmative action is intended to remedy in the first place. Read More ›
classroom of a daycare center without children and teacher
A classroom of a daycare center without children and teacher

Critical Race Theory: Intriguing, But Wrong for K-12 Education

Critical Race Theory (CRT), a relatively young legal theory that has been circulating in legal academic circles since the 1980s, suddenly burst on the scene of public consciousness in the past year. It continues to be a topic of controversy due to its being advocated for inclusion in K-12 instruction. Read More ›