Faith and Evolution

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Faith & Evolution 3 DVD Trailer – homepage

Watch the trailer with Doctors Stephen Meyer, Jonathan Wells, Michael Behe, Dean Kenyon, Scott Minnich, and more as they state that the scientific evidence points to the world stemming form an intelligent source.

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New Atheists, New Theistic Evolutionists, and Who Is Right?

This episode of ID the Future features CSC associate director John West interviewed by Anika Smith on the launch of the new website,, bringing clarity to the conversation between the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins and the new theistic evolutionists like Francis Collins. Read More ›

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New Website:

In recent years, debates over faith and evolution have continued to intensify. On the one hand, “new atheists” like Richard Dawkins have insisted that Darwinian evolution makes it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. Read More ›