Faith and Science

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Problem of Evil

Jay Richards discusses the problem of evil for the theistic and theistic evolutionary perspectives. He notes the common answer that theists give: God allows man to have free will and this liberty brings evil into the world. Read More ›

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Catholics and Evolution

Jay Richards notes that the Catholic Church has no qualms with evolution if its defined as change over time. But according to Pope Pius XII and other popes who have discussed evolution, Darwinian evolution specifically contradicts their holy text and tradition. Read More ›

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Three Big Questions

Sr. Fellow of the Discovery Institute, John West, analysis three big questions regarding evolution and God. Listen as he answers these questions: (1) Did God Direct Evolution? (2) Did God Create Humans Morally Good? (3) Is there any Evidence of Design in Nature?

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God & Evolution Promo

Jay Richards, Stephen Meyer, David Klinghoffer, and John West discuss the questions they pose and answer in God and Evolution. They focus squarely on the implications of evolution as it pertains to faiths.

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Judaism and Evolution

Listen in as David Klinghoffer discusses how Judaism handles and has handled evolutuion through the millennia. Hear him talk on the Sabbath and Darwin, Darwin vs. Intelligent Design, and Darwin and Epicurus.

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The Early Church & Evolution

Sr. Fellow John West discusses epicureanism and Gnosticism as they directly opposed the early church’s view of creation. Listen in as John West describes the parallels in opposition to God as Creator that the early church and the modern church face.

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The Doctrine of Creation

Dr. John West argues that God’s creation of the world is not a secondary doctrine as theistic evolutionists would suggest. He argues from Irenaeus, the Nicene Creed, and the gospel of John that to deny the specific and intentional creation of the world by God is a blatant misreading of Christian tradition. Read More ›

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Is Intelligent Design Bad Theology?

Dr. Jack Collins, Sr. Fellow at the Discovery Institute, answers the center question by going through definitions, history, and various aspirations of past and present theologians and religious groups. Listen to how he surprisingly answers the question.

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Faith & Evolution 3 DVD Trailer – homepage

Watch the trailer with Doctors Stephen Meyer, Jonathan Wells, Michael Behe, Dean Kenyon, Scott Minnich, and more as they state that the scientific evidence points to the world stemming form an intelligent source.