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David Berlinski and The Deniable Darwin

On today’s episode of ID the Future, mathematician and consummate skeptic David Berlinski shares with Discovery President Bruce Chapman about his award-winning essays from Commentary Magazine and the answers that are unacceptable to the scientific community. Read More ›

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IDTF Episode – Doubting Darwin on His Anniversary

Sr. Fellow of the Discovery Institute, John West, lectures on the social impact that Darwin had on the world. He allowed for biodiversity based on the non-exceptionalism of human life, he mitigated the true existence of morality, and he allowed for atheism to become scientifically plausible. Read More ›

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Dr. Stephen Meyer on the G. Gordon Liddy Show

Dr. Stephen Meyer has a conversation on the G. Gordon Liddy show after the release of his book Signature in the Cell. They discuss anthropic fine-tuning of the universe, what intelligent design is, as well as academic freedom and the Dover Trial.

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Doubting Darwin on His Anniversary

As On the Origin of Species hits its 150th anniversary tomorrow and we witness the height of focused media attention on Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, why do so many remain unconvinced? Read More ›

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How Information Theory Is Taking Intelligent Design Mainstream: An Interview With Dr. William Dembski

This episode of ID the Future continues Casey Luskin’s interviews Dr. William Dembski on his new peer-reviewed paper, “Conservation of Information in Search: Measuring the Cost of Success,” published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics A, Systems & Humans. Read More ›

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How David Berlinski Became a Scientific Critic

This episode of ID the Future features David Berslinski on his new book, The Deniable Darwin & Other Essays and the identity he found as a scientific critic and his notorious Commentary essay attacking Darwinian theory. Read More ›

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David Berlinski on Dennis Miller

Dr. David Berlinski talks about his book The Devil’s Delusion with Dennis Miller. They talk through the main predicaments that Darwin faces. Berlinski clarifies the issues by quantifying the changes that must occur for darwinian evolution to occur.

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The Religious Foundations of Darwinism and the Failure of Naturalism

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his interview with Dr. Cornelius Hunter, examining the religious foundations of evolution and the circuitous reasoning behind Naturalism. Listen in as Dr. Hunter explains why Darwinists are wrong when they claim that their theory is testable and falsifiable, and learn about his favorite failed prediction of evolution. For more failed predictions, visit Dr. Hunter’s website at DarwinsPredictions.com, and check out his blog at Darwin’s God. Cornelius G. Hunter is a graduate of the University of Illinois where he earned a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational Biology. He is Adjunct Professor at Biola University and author of the award-winning Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil.

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Darwin’s Predictions With Cornelius Hunter

On this episode of ID the Future, Cornelius Hunter is interviewed by Casey Luskin about his website, DarwinsPredictions.com, and his blog, Darwin’s God. Listen in as Dr. Hunter examines the evidence of evolution’s failure as a theory and answers the objections evolutionists raise to his arguments.