John Wohlstetter


The Next Middle East Wars

Despite some hopeful signs from the “Arab Spring,” the Middle East is, if anything, in graver danger than before. So what does this mean for U.S. foreign policy in the region? And how should the U.S. counter totalitarian and terror threats? Read More ›


Obama’s Nuclear Gamble

John Wohlstetter, Sr. Fellow, Discovery Institute, points out that every administration makes a numbere of nuclear wagers. From peace treaties to threats, every president has made some gambles. Listen in as he discusses Obama’s nuclear gambles and his relationships with Iran, Russia, and others. Read More ›


Nuclear Arms: Sleepwalking Towards Armageddon

John Wohlstetter lectures on his upcoming book, Nuclear Arms: Sleepwalking Towards Armageddon. His goal, he says, is to take the problems of proliferation and arms control out of the hands of the so called priesthood of nuclear theologians and make the conversation palpable for the common people in order to generate discussion.