Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

The Bible, Intelligent Design, and the Rise of Modern Science

The Bible, Intelligent Design, and the Rise of Modern Science

Dr. John West explores the impact of the Bible and the idea of intelligent design on the rise of modern science. West is Managing Director of the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute and author of books such as Darwin Day in America and Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. This talk was taped at a symposium sponsored by The Lyceum Read More ›

Evolution and Original Sin (Fr. Martin Hilbert)

Evolution and Original Sin (Fr. Martin Hilbert)

Fr. Martin Hilbert explores whether Darwinian evolution is compatible with the Catholic faith, focusing on the doctrine of original sin. Fr. Hilbert is author of the book A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design (DI Press, 2024). This talk was taped at a symposium sponsored by The Lyceum in Cleveland, Ohio in October 2024.

Design Arguments, Design Detection, and Natural Theology - Youtube

Design Arguments, Design Detection, and Natural Theology

Can we detect intelligent design in nature? If so, what are the implications for “natural theology”? These questions and more were explored at the panel “Design Write Large: Design Arguments, Design Detection, and Natural Theology” at the Evangelical Philosophical Society annual meeting in San Diego in November 2024. Speakers included Center for Science and Culture (CSC) Senior Fellows Doug Axe, Read More ›


ERVs, Pseudogenes, and Onions

In 2012, the evolutionary “junk DNA” paradigm took a major hit when the ENCODE Project reported that over 80% of our DNA is biochemically functional. How did evolutionary biologists respond to the demise of one of their favorite arguments? Their responses fall into three main categories: (1) Get angry, (2) rewrite history, and (3) deny the data. This video explores Read More ›

C.S. Lewis’s Challenge to Scientocracy in Cambridge and Beyond

C.S. Lewis’s Challenge to Scientocracy in Cambridge and Beyond

Beloved writer C.S. Lewis was a searing critic of the misuse of science for totalitarian ends. Dr. John West explores the increasing relevance of Lewis’s views for today in this talk delivered in Cambridge, UK in August 2024. As part of his talk, West also discusses Lewis’s move from Oxford to Cambridge and reveals little-known details about Lewis’s inaugural lecture Read More ›

Fossil Explosions in the History of Life- Paleontologist Günter Bechly

Fossil Explosions in the History of Life: Paleontologist Günter Bechly

Paleontologist Günter Bechly explores how the fossil record documents repeated leaps in the history of life. This lecture was taped at a Discovery Institute event in Cambridge, England in August 2024. Find out more about Dr. Bechly and his research at

The Deniable Darwin- David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK. - title screen

Return of the God Hypothesis in Cambridge with Stephen Meyer

Stephen Meyer, bestselling author of the book Return of the God Hypothesis, discusses the rise, fall, and revival in the sciences of the belief in God as Creator, with particular reference to figures related to the University of Cambridge in England. This presentation was taped at a Discovery Institute event in Cambridge, UK in August 2024. Find out more about Read More ›

The Deniable Darwin- David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK. - title screen

The Deniable Darwin: David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK.

Philosopher Stephen Meyer interviews mathematician, writer, and thinker David Berlinski about his life and provocative work, especially his sophisticated challenges to modern Darwinism. This conversation was filmed at a Discovery Institute event in Cambridge, England in August 2024. For more information about David Berlinski, visit For more information about Stephen Meyer, go to

secret of the cell ep9

The Robot Repairmen Inside You (Secrets of the Cell, Ep. 9)

Join renowned biochemist Michael Behe as he explores the mystery of how cells repair themselves in Episode 9 of his popular video series “Secrets of the Cell.” In “The Robot Repairmen Inside You,” Dr. Behe investigates the trillions of microbots inside each of us that work 24/7 to repair whatever is broken. These amazing molecular machines “do the work,” says Read More ›

Science Professor Canceled by Atheists Because He Exposed Students to Evidence of Intelligent Design

Science Professor Canceled by Atheists Because He Exposed Students to Evidence of Intelligent Design

Eric Hedin was enjoying a productive career as a physics professor at Ball State University when atheist activists tried to cancel him for exposing students to scientific evidence the universe was intelligently designed. Learn what happened next in this short video, and find out more in Hedin’s book Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See,

Human Zoos- Socrates in the Studio with Dr. John West

Human Zoos: Socrates in the Studio with Dr. John West

The day after his Socrates in the City event on C.S. Lewis and Scientism, The Discovery Institute’s Dr. John West sits down with Host Eric Metaxas to discuss his documentary Human Zoos: America’s Forgotten History of Scientific Racism. Human Zoos tells the shocking story of how thousands of indigenous peoples were put on public display in America in the early Read More ›

Michael Egnor- The Evidence against Materialism - Science Uprising Expert Interviews

Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism – Science Uprising Expert Interviews

In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses the evidence against materialism and explains how materialism undercuts rather than supports genuine science. Be sure to visit to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Michael Egnor, MD (from Columbia University), neurosurgeon and professor of neurological surgery at Stony Brook University. Dr. Egnor is Read More ›

Uncommon Knowledge with David Berlinski, Stephen Meyer, and James Orr

The Magician’s Twin, with David Berlinski, Stephen Meyer, and James Orr

In this Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, mathematician and philosopher David Berlinski, intelligent design advocate Stephen Meyer, and Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Cambridge University, James Orr explore the parallels between scientific and magical endeavors, referencing C. S. Lewis's notion that both were born from the same impulse, with one thriving and the other fading. Read More ›
AI Apocalypse- Will Thinking Machines Replace Humans_

AI Apocalypse: Will Thinking Machines Replace Humans?

Computer engineer Robert J. Marks talks about how artificial intelligence (AI) has influenced our society as well as the hype which has surrounded AI in the last few years. This talk was presented at the 2022 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith in January 2022. Marks is author of the book Non-Computable You: What You Do that Artificial Intelligence Never Read More ›

Exploring Intelligent Design through the Memorials of Washington DC

We Hold These Truths: Exploring Intelligent Design through the Memorials of Washington DC

Celebrate July 4th weekend by exploring the importance of intelligent design to some of the greatest figures in American history through this brief tour of four iconic memorials in Washington, DC. We’ll visit the Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, the Word War II Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. Your tour guide is Dr. John West, Vice President Read More ›

The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith with Dr. Casey Luskin

The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith with Dr. Casey Luskin

Scientist and attorney Casey Luskin sits down with Socrates in the City host Eric Metaxas to explore these big questions: Is science objective? How did humans come into existence? How do you reconcile faith and science? Luskin is the editor of The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith and co-author of Science and Human Origins and Associate Director of the Read More ›


Where Darwinism Breaks Down

In this video, Jonathan Pageau interviews Stephen Meyer about evolution, intelligent design, Darwinism, the advent of the biological information age, and how it changed the debate about the origins of life. We discuss the questions of what life and mind are, and how pattern and mind are part of and participate in creation. A former geophysicist and college professor, Stephen Read More ›

How Earth Is Designed for Life (Dallas Conference on Science & Faith 2024)

How Earth Is Designed for Life (Dallas Conference on Science & Faith 2024)

Physicist Bijan Nemati explains how life on Earth depends on a variety of specific conditions set in nature. Dr. Nemati is a Senior Fellow with Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and has been a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. This lecture was taped at the 2024 Dallas Conference on Science Read More ›