

Casey Luskin answers the question, Is Intelligent Design Based on the Bible? as well as others. This is a FAQ Video for the site.


Why Being Human Matters

Discovery Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith offers a lecture on what it means to be human. Mr. Smith is Discovery’s most active contributor to bioethics. A prolific author, activist, and former Ralph Nader co-author, he has become one of the nation’s leading advocates for the value and sanctity of human life. His most recent book, Consumer’s Guide to the Brave Read More ›

Intelligent Design: Who Designed the Designer? Dr. Jay Richards discusses whether or not intelligent design theory can say who the designer is. Dr. Richards is a senior fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and also Director of Media at the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Gorton Summer Series 2007

Discovery Institute is pleased to announce our third annual summer lecture series for interns and young professionals. The ‘Gorton Summer Lecture Series’ named for our distinguished board member and former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton, introduces young people to the nature and ideals of public service. Read More ›

Philip Johnson on Rick Santorum’s “Teach the Controversy” Amendment

When something like ninety percent of the public is skeptical to one degree or another of the theory of evolution, how should educational authorities address this controversial subject. I said they should teach the controversy. A simple, a three-word soundbite to explain the principle: teach the controversy. Teach what the official voices of science say. That’s knowledge students should have. Read More ›


The Edge of Evolution

From C-SPAN2’s Book TV, Michael Behe talks about his book, The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism (Free Press). Behe argued that advancements in the science of genetics reveal that the process of evolution is driven far more by pre-existing design than by random mutation and natural selection, the foundations of Darwin’s theory of evolution. After Read More ›