Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Homelessness Case: Full Analysis
SCOTUS Will Hear Arguments in Controversial Homelessness Case that Will Impact Cities Nationwide
Religious Freedom: Biden Policy Not Where Administration’s Mouth Is
California Targets Free Speech and Charities
Why Oregon’s Right-to-Die Victory Doesn’t End the Debate
This article, published by Time, quotes Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith: But Wesley J. Smith, a Discovery Institute fellow was skeptical: “People are not exactly marching in the streets demanding the right to receive lethal prescriptions,” he said. The rest of the article can be found here.
I Want a New Drug
FACED WITH RISING Medicaid costs, the states have begun to trumpet the oldest illusion about government power — that price controls can make things abundant and “affordable,” in this case prescription drugs. On May 19 the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light to a Maine program that includes thousands of uninsured citizens in a discount drug-buying program the state Read More ›
Teaching the Origins Controversy
One can hardly imagine a more contentious issue in the American culture wars than the debate over how biological origins should be taught in the public schools. On the one hand, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Center for Science Education, and the American Civil Liberties Union have insisted that any departure from a strictly Darwinian approach to the …