

By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator

Michael Behe, John Lennox, and Steven Meyer are three of the leading voices in science and academia on the case for an intelligent designer of the universe and everything in it (including us). In this wide-ranging conversation, they point out the flaws in Darwin’s theory and the increasing amount of evidence uncovered by a rigorous application of the scientific method Read More ›


Darwin Comes to Africa

Charles Darwin fathered not just a scientific theory, but a toxic social ideology that fueled racist colonial policies in Africa. In this sobering book, African scholar Olufemi Oluniyi traces the insidious impact of Darwinian ideas on British imperial policies in Northern Nigeria. Drawing on official documents, public statements, and well-attested historical events, Oluniyi documents how concepts such as evolutionary racism Read More ›

Science and Faith in Dialogue

Science and Faith in Dialogue

The book argues that modern science provides undeniable evidence and a scientific basis for these classical arguments to infer a rationally justifiable endorsement of theism as being concordant with reason and science — nature is seen as operating orderly on comprehensible, rational, consistent laws, in line with the conviction that God is Creator. Read More ›
A Clock to Describe Nature - title screen

A Clock to Describe Nature? Philosopher of Science Dr. Stephen Meyer Explains

Did you know that the giants of early modern science, including Newton, Boyle, Kepler, and others, all used a clock to describe the workings of the natural world? Here, Dr. Stephen Meyer explains the second of three common metaphors at the birth of modern science. Watch all of Episode 1 here: more about the series here: This is Read More ›


Are Science and God at War as the New Atheists Claim? Stephen Meyer Responds

In this brief clip from The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the claim of the New Atheists that God and Science have always been in conflict. Meyer points out that quite the opposite is true and explains how modern science was directly inspired by Judeo-Christian ideas. Watch all of Episode 1 here: more about the series here: Read More ›


Your Designed Body

Consider your body. Every day it must solve hundreds of hard engineering problems simultaneously, or else you’ll die. While you’re going about your daily business, your body stores, retrieves, translates, and manages software for thousands of proteins, switches, setpoints, thresholds, feedback loops, coordinate systems, counters, and timers. It disassembles thousands of different complex molecules, converts them into their building blocks, Read More ›



Discover the Science of Purpose. Atheistic scientists have lied about humanity’s intelligent design for centuries, and their lies have decayed our culture into the social dystopia continually ripening before our eyes. Life and death have purpose, and we belong to all of it, which the ancient Greeks understood as Telos, meaning “the end as it was intended.”  Join Dr. Stephen Iacoboni, Read More ›


The Miracle of Man

According to Michael Denton, the cosmos is stunningly fit not just for cellular life, not just for carbon-based animal life, and not even just for air-breathing animals, but especially for bipedal, land-roving, technology-pursuing creatures of our general physiological design. Read More ›
InHuman Zoos

The Dangers of Totalitarian Science, Pt. 2

On this ID the Future from the vault, we hear part two of a panel discussion on “The Danger of Totalitarian Science,” held at the July 2018 FreedomFest in Las Vegas. Read More ›
Boy riding on mechanical bull

Don’t Blame Me; I’m a Meat Robot.

Methodological naturalism invariably draws certain conclusions. One of these notions is that we have no free will, and therefore, no culpability. We are essentially puppets hanging from genetic strings. Dr. Michael Egnor and Dr. Joshua Farris discuss this erroneous idea, as well as other failing conclusions created by ideological science. Read More ›