molecular biology

escherichia coli bacteria

Hitting the Brakes on ‘Rapid Evolution’

On this episode of ID The Future, host Eric Anderson concludes his Why It Matters interview with microbiologist Dr. Scott Minnich. In Part 2, Dr. Minnich critiques Lenski's famous Long Term Evolutionary Experiments. Through experiments of his own, Minnich has shown how the practical results of Lenski's project on E. coli are easily repeatable under different conditions, and how some key changes to E. coli are even reversible, both of which speak more to an organism's pre-existing capabilities than to a Darwinian explanation. This is the conclusion to a two-part interview. Read More ›
Broken Road

Biologist Michael Denton: Paradigm Shifts

On this classic ID the Future from the vault, biologist Michael Denton reflects on paradigm shifts in science he’s witnessed in his lifetime and how his own thinking has changed. Read More ›

Message from the Molecules – They Say “Intelligent Design”

Biology, cosmology, physics, mathematics, computer engineering, chemistry… You could have an interesting argument among proponents of intelligent design about which field of science will ultimately clinch the argument for ID. Famed chemist Marcos Eberlin claims the honor will go to chemistry. Chauvinism, you say? Perhaps. You could take that up with the three Nobel laureates who endorsed his recent book, Read More ›


The Theory of Intelligent Design from the Point of View of a Philosopher of Science

Interview with biochemist Stephen C. Meyer, a philosopher from the Discovery Institute in the USA 00:29 | What is intelligent design theory? 01:33 | Is intelligent design theory empirically testable? 02:38 | Does intelligent design theory lead to scientific predictions? 04:36 | Can intelligent design theory be the basis for new research? 06:58 | Is ID theory religiously motivated? 08:10 Read More ›

The spark of life, abstract fractal render for topics such as biology, evolution

The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution

Is it true that there are "no weaknesses" in evolutionary theory? All one must do is examine the technical scientific literature and inquire whether there are legitimate scientific challenges to chemical and biological evolution. This article reviews some of this literature and the scientific challenges to Darwinian theory and chemical evolution therein. Read More ›

Lucky Jim

For more information about David Berlinski – his new books, video clips from interviews, and upcoming events – please visit his website at   Genes, Girls, and Gamow After the Double Helix by James D. Watson Knopf, 304 pp., $26 A DOCTORATE from Indiana University in 1949, the Cavendish laboratories at Cambridge University, the discovery of DNA. Thereafter, immortality. James Read More ›