Michael Behe


Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe (Season 1 Compilation)

The cell is what biochemist Michael Behe has called evolution’s “black box,” its spectacularly complex, superbly designed contents unknown to Charles Darwin. When the box was opened by modern science, it was a turning-point moment for the articulation of the modern theory of intelligent design. A revolution followed, fundamentally challenging how scientists discuss the history of life. Join Dr. Behe as he explores the mysteries of the cell, the limits of evolution, and how the cell points to intelligent design. Read More ›

Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin

Biochemist Michael Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box, Darwin Devolves, and other books, discusses his new book A Mousetrap for Darwin: Michael J. Behe Answers His Critics with John West, Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture, and fields questions from an international audience.


A Mousetrap for Darwin

Darwin’s Black Box thrust Michael Behe to the forefront of the intelligent design movement. The Lehigh University biochemist has haunted the dreams of Darwinists ever since. Each of his three books sparked a firestorm of criticism, in everything from the New York Times and the journal Science to the private blogs of professional atheists. Over the years, Behe has had a delightful time rebutting each attack, and Read More ›

Photo: Red poppy, Auckland Botanic Gardens, Auckland, New Zealand, by Sandy Millar via Unsplash.

Breakout Paper in Journal of Theoretical Biology Explicitly Supports Intelligent Design

The Journal of Theoretical Biology has published an explicitly pro-intelligent design article, “Using statistical methods to model the fine-tuning of molecular machines and systems.” Let’s take a closer look at the contents. Read More ›