man-riding-on-self-balancing-board-graffiti-stockpack-unsplash-scaled-e1594652896130 Gary N. Smith July 16, 2020 Citizen Leadership, Natural and Artificial Intelligence Election Models: Predicting the Past is Easy — and Useless Gary N. Smith July 16, 2020 Citizen Leadership, Natural and Artificial Intelligence I told my students that I had a model that predicted the popular vote for the last ten presidential elections (1980–2016) perfectly. Read More ›
random number William A. Dembski November 1, 1991 Intelligent Design, Natural and Artificial Intelligence Randomness by Design William A. Dembski November 1, 1991 Intelligent Design, Natural and Artificial Intelligence Randomness entails no moral deficiency. Random number generators must be constructed with reckless abandon — though a reckless abandon that is well thought out. Randomness, properly to be randomness, must leave nothing to chance. Read More ›