Connecting Cascadia: A High Speed Rail Vision for the Pacific Northwest
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This article, published by Europe & Us (a special project of KPLU News), quotes Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: … This conference was organized by the Cascadia Center, a Seattle-based think tank that promotes innovative approaches to transportation. Director Bruce Agnew says state lawmakers, port commissioners and business leaders are lining up behind passenger rail. The full article can be Read More ›
Prepared for the Cascadia Rail Week, May 27-29, 2009 Read More ›
Cascadia Rail Week – including events in Portland May 27 and Seattle May 28 – heightened awareness of the need for improved intercity passenger and freight rail systems, and for longer-term efforts to establish high speed rail in our mega-region. Sharing key insights were representatives of state and city governments, the Federal Railway Administration, the U.S. Congress and Senate, and Read More ›
This article, published by The Daily Chronicle, mentions Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Bruce Agnew, policy director for the Cascadia Center, a Seattle-based transportation policy group, said if he had to predict the race for the cash, he’d put Washington and Oregon’s Pacific Northwest Corridor in the top five. The rest of the article can be found here.
This article, published by The Oregonian, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: The topic came up at a conference this week held in Portland and Seattle, sponsored by the Cascadia Center, a Seattle-based sustainability think tank. The rest of the article can be found here.
This article, published by the Daily Journal of Commerce, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: The $8 billion in stimulus funds the Obama Administration is planning to invest in high-speed rail is “purely seed money,” a consultant told a roomful of rail boosters yesterday at a forum organized by the Cascadia Center. The rest of the article can be Read More ›
This article, published by the Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce, refers to an event put on by the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: His destination: the opening ceremonies for Cascadia Rail Week, an effort to bring better train service to the region between Vancouver, B.C., and Eugene. The rest of the article can be found here.
This article, published by The Everett Herald, quotes Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: “That puts us in good position to compete with the other high-profile corridors,” said Bruce Agnew, policy director of the Cascadia Center for Regional Development, a Seattle transportation policy group. Agnew also is a former Edmonds resident and two-term Snohomish County councilman. The rest of the article Read More ›
This article, published by Seattle PI, mentions Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: South of the border, such “Cascadians” as former Secretary of State Ralph Munro and Bruce Agnew of the Discovery Institute have worked for two decades to bring fast, reliable rail service to the I-5 corridor. The rest of the article can be found here.