Do the Laws of Physics Make God Unnecessary?
Seattle – In his best-selling book The Grand Design (2010), renowned physicist Stephen Hawking advanced the startling claim that the laws of physics make God unnecessary for the creation of the universe. Friday, August 19th Oxford University Mathematics Professor John Lennox will respond based on his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? Regarded by some as Read More ›
Did Physics Kill God?
Stephen Hawking declared that our understanding of physics proves God did not create the universe. Is he right? Stephen Hawking holds the chair of mathematics at Cambridge University once held by Sir Isaac Newton. So when he declared that our understanding of physics shows that God did not create the universe, it was bound to get attention. Summarizing the thesis Read More ›
Designed for Living
Does God exist? You can answer that question in at least two ways, including, notably, “yes.” But how do you argue for that particular answer? A new cottage industry among the religiously minded is the re-articulation of the so-called “cosmological argument” for the existence of God. Its proofs work backward. They start with visible creation and reason that it can Read More ›