Does COVID-19 Lead Women to Cheat?

David Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion
The author of The Devil’s Delusion, Dr. David Berlinski is an urban scholar with a withering wit to delight and entertain while defending religious thought against a movement of intolerance which now includes much of the scientific elite. David Berlinski proceeds reasonably and calmly to challenge recent scientific theorizing and to expose the unreason from which it presumes to criticize Read More ›

The Peacock Principle: Beauty, God, and Darwinism

Total Truth
In this award-winning book, Nancy Pearcey, a Fellow of the Discovery Institute, presents an analysis of the impact that Darwinism has had upon our culture. Pearcey starts by observing that our culture has separated “truth” into two categories. In the “upper story” is noncognitive experience. This is the realm of private truth which ranges from favorite ice-cream flavors to one’s Read More ›
Playing Games with Good & Evil
As an explanation of the world, materialism has a sort of insane simplicity. It has just the quality of the madmans arguments; we have at once the sense of it covering everything and the sense of it leaving everything out. G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy In the struggle to survive, the fit win, and so it is also the fit who Read More ›

Against Sociobiology
Darwin’s dirty secret
Evolution and its moral implications--including the "scientific" basis for rape--come as a package deal
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