From Darwin to Hitler
Intelligent Design is not Creationism
In 2004, the distinguished philosopher Antony Flew of the University of Reading made worldwide news when he repudiated a lifelong commitment to atheism and affirmed the reality of some kind of a creator. Flew cited evidence of intelligent design in DNA and the arguments of “American [intelligent] design theorists” as important reasons for this shift. Since then, British readers have Read More ›
Steve Fuller: Designer Trouble
This article, published by The Guardian, mentions Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow Michael Behe: Michael Behe, the architect of ID and the star witness in the Dover trial, was publicly disowned by his biological sciences department at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. The rest of the article can be found here.
Darwinist Ideologues Are on the Run
This article, published by Human Events, mentions Discovery Institute: The Discovery Institute recently produced a list of over 400 scientists of varying faith and non-faith—including those from such prestigious institutions as Princeton, MIT and Cornell—who signed onto a statement stressing they were skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of Read More ›
Why We Care About Darwin Wars
We can expect more battles about Darwin before school boards across the country. But who cares? Impatient by now with the legal and religious debate around intelligent design, many of us may wonder just that. In fact we all need to care — Darwinian theory has practical ramifications beyond the narrow question of what mechanism drives evolution. Darwinists say the Read More ›
Groups Weigh in Before Evolution Vote in Kansas
The Associated Press cited Discovery Institute in an article on Kansas science standards published on Nov. 8, 2005: “Under these standards students will learn more about evolution, not less,” said Casey Luskin, a spokesman for the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, which supports intelligent design research. Luskin added: “Anyone who reads the proposed science standards will see that they deal solely with Read More ›
Design or Darwin?
This article, published by the Calgary Herald, quotes Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow Richard Sternberg: Sternberg, with two PhDs in evolutionary biology, was a prominent Smithsonian Institution researcher, editing the peer-reviewed Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Though not an Intelligent Design proponent himself, in 2004, he allowed publication of an article critical of Darwinism Read More ›