
21st Century Science Coalition Pushes 19th Century Science

SEATTLE — Texas Darwinists are concerned that students might learn too much about evolution. Facing the possibility that students might actually be given a complete picture of both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwin’s theory, a group of Darwinists has joined together to oppose teaching more evolution in Texas, where the State Board of Education is considering new science curriculum Read More ›

The Spiritual Brain by Beauregard and O'Leary

The Spiritual Brain

Do religious experiences come from God, or are they merely the random firing of neurons in the brain? Drawing on his own research with Carmelite nuns, neuroscientist Mario Beauregard shows that genuine, life-changing spiritual events can be documented. He offers compelling evidence that religious experiences have a nonmaterial origin, making a convincing case for what many in scientific fields are Read More ›

The Darwinian Basis for Eugenics

This article, published by New Oxford Review, contains an review of Discovery Institute Senior Fellow John G. West’s book Darwin Day in America: John G. West, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, reveals here to what extent scientific materialism has become the foundation for much of American politics and culture, and how dangerous this is for democracy. The rest of the Read More ›

Evolutionists Fear Academic Freedom

This article, published by Townhall, quotes Casey Luskin of Discovery Institute: Scientist Casey Luskin, a scholar with the Discovery Institute said, “We would like to see evolution taught in an unbiased fashion and also want students to learn how to think like scientists and to weigh the evidence for and against.” The rest of the article can be found here.

Advocate Newspaper Knowingly Publishes False Information About Louisiana Law Regarding Teaching of Evolution

The Advocate newspaper in Baton Rouge Louisiana today published a front page story about Louisiana’s new law regarding teaching of evolution that contains a completely false statement in the lead. The paper reported an unnamed official stated that “Louisiana is the only state in the nation that has enacted a law that could change the way evolution is taught in Read More ›

Understanding Intelligent Design

Understanding Intelligent Design

Description This compact guide lays out the basics of Intelligent Design, popularly known as ID. William Dembski, the dean of the intelligent-design movement, and Sean McDowell especially target readers whose understanding may have been confused by educational bias and one-sided arguments and attacks. Commonsense and no-nonsense, with pointed examples, the authors explain Clarifying crucial issues, this key resource gives nonspecialists Read More ›

Louisiana State Legislature Passes Landmark Act That Encourages Critical Analysis of Evolution

Baton Rouge — With a 36-0 vote, Louisiana’s state senate today passed a landmark academic freedom bill protecting teachers that encourage critical thinking and objective discussion about evolution and other scientific topics. Known as the Louisiana Science Education Act, the bill was previously passed by the state’s House of Representatives with a 94-3 vote, and now will be sent to the Read More ›

Louisiana House Passes Academic Freedom Bill on Evolution and Other Science Issues

Baton Rouge — By a vote of 94-3, Louisiana’s House of Representatives today passed an academic freedom bill that would protect teachers and school districts who wish to promote critical thinking and objective discussion about evolution and other scientific topics. There was no vocal opposition, and the floor speech by Rep. Frank Hoffman made clear that the bill was about science, Read More ›

“Expelled”: Jewish Intellectuals Challenge Tyranny of Darwinism

This article, published by The Remnant, contains an interview with Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow David Berlinski: There, accompanied by my friends and colleagues Dr. John Rao and Andrew Bellon, I conducted my own interview of Berlinski for The Remnant, the day before the start of the annual 72-mile pilgrimage from that very cathedral to Notre Read More ›

Debate, Evidence and Evolution

This article, published by The Baton Rouge Advocate, mentions Phillip Johnson of Discovery Institute: Debate over the Louisiana Science Education Act (SB733) calls to mind University of California, Berkeley law Professor Phillip Johnson’s Wall Street Journal op-ed observation, ‘A Chinese paleontologist lectures around the world saying that recent fossil finds in his country are inconsistent with the Darwinian theory of Read More ›