
saline solution on hand
close up of saline on hand of sick girl lying on bed at hospital. Selective focus at finger.

A “Painless” Death?

MANY WHO SUPPORT Terri Schiavo’s threatened dehydration assert that removing a feeding tube from a profoundly cognitively disabled person results in a painless and gentle ending. But is this really true? After all, it would be agonizing if you or I were locked in a room for two weeks and deprived of all food and water. So, why should we Read More ›

The Consequences of Casual Conversations

One evening, during the second term of President Ronald Reagan, Terri Schiavo and her husband Michael decided to watch a television movie about Karen Ann Quinlan. Quinlan, as most readers know, had a tragic life. After overdosing on a combination of drugs and alcohol, she fell into unconsciousness and never awakened. Her parents won a lawsuit in the New Jersey Read More ›

Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You

This article, published by BreakPoint, mentions Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith: According to Wesley Smith of the Discovery Institute, “futile-care” theory is “one of the most dangerous topics [under discussion] in contemporary bioethics. The rest of the article can be found here.