
Does Assisted Suicide Cause Abuses?

This article, published by, mentions Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith: Wesley J. Smith, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute, a non-partisan think tank, echoed reports of high rates of euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands, and also noted that the country allows the euthanizing of the clinically depressed and infants with birth defects.

Testimony of Wesley J. Smith, JD, Before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, & Property Rights,

Lawyer, author, and bioethicist Wesley J. Smith testified May 25th to the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights hearing on “The Consequences of Legalized Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia”. In his testimony, Smith told the Senators “that there is a proper public policy role for the federal government against assisted suicide, such Read More ›


Forced Exit

Bioethicist and Senior Discovery Institute Fellow Wesley J. Smith pierces the emotionalism, fear mongering, and euphemisms that are the standard fare of the assisted suicide movement to expose its attempt to strip the sick and disabled of their dignity. Far from a compassionate answer to suffering, assisted suicide is a new form of oppression. Forced Exit offers chilling evidence of Read More ›

Right to Die Movement is Really About Euthanasia, Not Compassion

THERE IS A PRETENSE in contemporary assisted suicide advocacy that goes something like this: “Aid in dying” (as it is euphemistically called) is merely to be a safety valve, a last resort only available to imminently dying patients for whom nothing else can be done to alleviate suffering. Meanwhile, in the real world, the founder of the Swiss suicide facilitating Read More ›

From Darwin to Hitler

From Darwin to Hitler

In this work, Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. He demonstrates that many leading Darwinian biologists and social thinkers in Germany believed that Darwinism overturned traditional Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment ethics, especially the view that human life is sacred. Read More ›

The Dying Need TLC, Not Rulings

Tuesday’s 6-3 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court preventing the federal government from punishing doctors who prescribe federally controlled substances — narcotics — for suicide is being spun by euthanasia advocates as a big boost for their cause. Never mind that the ruling was very narrow and did not, as proponents claim, “uphold” Oregon’s law. And never mind that Justice Read More ›

Supreme Court’s Kelo Decision Justifies Euthanasia

Original article Last month’s United States Supreme Court decision in the Kelo v. New London case strikes at the heart of our freedoms – and, if left unchallenged, imperils our right to life itself. How do we derive such a broad threat from this private property case? Let’s look at the conclusions of the court. In the Kelo decision, the Read More ›

Noxious Nitschke

The international euthanasia movement’s first principle is radical individualism. The idea is that we each own our own body and hence should be able to do what we choose with our physical self—including destroy it. Not only that, but if we want to die, liberty dictates that we should have ready access to a “good death,” a demise that is Read More ›

baby patient
Close-up of a hand and heart rate baby monitor

Now They Want to Euthanize Children

First, Dutch euthanasia advocates said that patient killing will be limited to the competent, terminally ill who ask for it. Then, when doctors began euthanizing patients who clearly were not terminally ill, sweat not, they soothed: medicalized killing will be limited to competent people with incurable illnesses or disabilities. Then, when doctors began killing patients who were depressed but not Read More ›

Suing for the Right to Live

A little noticed litigation in the United Kingdom could be a harbinger of medical woes to come here in the United States. Leslie Burke, age 44, is suing for the right to stay alive. Yes, you read right: Burke, who has a terminal neurological disease, is deathly afraid that doctors will refuse to provide him wanted food and water when Read More ›