education reform


Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Education Freedom on The Bill Walton Show

Keri D. Ingraham appeared on The Bill Walton Show to discuss the booming education freedom movement. Together, Ingraham and Walton explore the history of public education and its roots in progressivism, how public education is failing to teach students basic skills, the ways critical race theory has infiltrated the classroom, the explosion of classical education, and much more.

Solitary Graduation Cap on a Pathway
A Graduation Cap Rests on a Secluded Street, Symbolizing Academic Achievement
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Protests Will Cost Universities in the Long Term

The campuses of many of America’s once distinguished institutions of higher education have been dominating the news in the past few weeks as pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, and antisemitic protesters scream, chant, incite violence, refuse to vacate their tent cities, and make demands of school administrations. This damaging higher education exposure comes on the heels of the K-12 education “great parent awakening." Read More ›
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Let’s Align High School to Workforce Needs

The perceived value of higher education has been plummeting for years, yet tuition prices continue to rise at levels outpacing the increased career earning power in several fields. Combine the financial cost and the misalignment of college courses with the labor markets, and it’s no surprise that traditional higher education is on the decline. Read More ›
African american father doing homework with his daughter. Black dad helping kid to learn and study for school. Family portrait.
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K-12 Hybrid Schooling Is in High Demand

Polling data reveals that 49% of parents would prefer their child learn from home at least one day a week. While 10% want full-time homeschooling, the remaining 39% of parents desire their child to learn at home one to four days a week, with the remaining days attending school on-campus. Read More ›
State Education Building

Education: A Republican Opportunity

In the 1960s and 1970s, two major pieces of federal law began the dismantling of American education. The first was allowing government employees to join unions, and the second was the creation of the federal Department of Education. Republicans should reverse these laws, which have proven detrimental to the efficient and effective functioning of both our K-12 and university systems.  Read More ›
Arizona flag and Iowa flag States of America waving with texture sky Cloud and sunset double flag

These Two States Now Have Universal School Choice — And Yours Could Be Next

Iowa became the second state in the country to pass universal school choice, directly providing families with funds to support their children’s education. Arizona was the trendsetter for this new wave of educational freedom after Governor Doug Ducey signed universal school choice into law on July 7, 2022. Read More ›

Breaking the K-12 Education Monopoly

Recently Discovery Institute Fellow and American Center for Transforming Education Director Dr. Keri Ingraham joined The Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts on his show to discuss educational freedom, education entrepreneurship, innovation, and much more. Read More ›
Don NIelsen Interview

What Did You Learn Traveling the Country?

You spent two years traveling the country (visiting 19 states, meeting with 5 Governors) studying K-12 education. Tell us about that journey and some key highlights and takeaways.

student's hand taking English test in class

K-12 Redesign: Retooling Testing

Our K-12 schools are organized more like a swim meet focused on recording student placement results rather than a swim lesson devoted to student learning. What value are student assessment results if all students move on to the next lesson, concept, or skill regardless of whether mastery was achieved or not? Read More ›