
George Gilder for Prager University - What Creates Wealth?

George Gilder for Prager University: What Creates Wealth?

The latest course from Prager University features George Gilder explaining why some countries are wealthy and flourishing, while others are poor and stagnant. This topic has been long debated–with scholars offering explanations based on culture, government, geography, history, and more–but George Gilder looks to the core of the issue, arguing that what matters most for dynamic economic growth is knowledge. Read More ›

Book cover of Knowledge and Power by George Gilder

Knowledge and Power

Ronald Reagan’s most-quoted living author — George Gilder — is back with an all-new paradigm-shifting theory of capitalism that will upturn conventional wisdom, just when our economy desperately needs a new direction. America’s struggling economy needs a better philosophy than the college student’s lament: “I can’t be out of money, I still have checks in my checkbook!” We’ve tried a Read More ›

Eradicating European Flu

Europe has not yet suffered from bird flu, but it suffers from an even more debilitating economic flu — excessive government dependency. That dependency is sapping both its economic vitality and its spirit and has grown most acute in the core of Europe: Germany, France and Italy. We need to help our European friends fight this disease, not through a Read More ›

Pursuit of Economic Literacy

Recent opinion polls show that substantial numbers of Americans believe: We are in a recession; free trade reduces jobs for American workers; controlling prices will make us better off; government can create jobs; the tax cut hurt economic growth; and corporations hurt American workers by moving their legal homes to lower-tax jurisdictions. None of the above statements are true. Why Read More ›

This is a 44 image HDR panoramic image of the Capitol building. This has been downsampled to 4k width so that it’s not stupidly large.I’m playing around with HDR panoramas at the moment and this one turned out pretty well.
Photo by Michael75 at Unsplash

Why Is the Level of Discourse So Low?

Discussion of economic policy matters among politicians has sunk almost to the level of a frat house food fight. There are several reasons for this sorry state of affairs. First, there is an appalling level of ignorance among many political leaders about economic fundamentals. For instance, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle recently blamed the recession, in part, on the president’s Read More ›

Speaking of George Gilder

Speaking of George Gilder

Finally, a Gilder book for those of us who want to get right to the point! From tapes, transcripts, and corporate conclaves, you get the spoken wit and wisdom of George Gilder — on money and morals, technology and telecom. It’s all here, and it’s easy to use. A little over a third of Speaking of George Gilder consists of speeches and Read More ›



George Gilder’s Microcosm is the crystal ball of the next technological era. Leading scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs provide vivid accounts of the latest inventions, revealing how the new international balance of power really lies in information technology. Ranging from computer chips to the greatest minds of Silicon Valley, George Gilder explores every aspect of today’s unprecedented technological and entrepreneurial revolution. Microcosm contains Read More ›


Men and Marriage (1st Edition)

Men and Marriage is a critical commentary that asks the burning question, How can society survive the pervasive disintegration of the family? A profound crisis faces modern social order as traditional family relationships become almost unrecognizable. George Gilder's Men and Marriage is a revised and expanded edition of his 1973 landmark work, Sexual Suicide. He examines the deterioration of the family, the well-defined sex roles it offered, and how this change has shifted the focus of our society. Read More ›

Wealth and Poverty

Originally published in 1982 and hailed as “the guide to capitalism,” the New York Times bestseller Wealth and Poverty by George F. Gilder is one of the most famous economic books of all time and has sold more than one million copies since its first release. In this influential classic, Gilder explains and makes the case for supply-side economics, proves the moral superiority of free-market capitalism, and Read More ›