Gale Pooley’s New Book Superabundance Out Now

The Simon Abundance Index
Are we running out of resources? That’s been a hotly debated question since the publication of Paul Ehrlich’s book The Population Bomb in 1968. The Stanford University biologist warned that population growth would result in the exhaustion of resources and a global catastrophe. University of Maryland economist and Cato Institute’s Senior Fellow Julian Simon, in contrast, argued that humans would Read More ›

George Gilder for Prager University: What Creates Wealth?
The latest course from Prager University features George Gilder explaining why some countries are wealthy and flourishing, while others are poor and stagnant. This topic has been long debated–with scholars offering explanations based on culture, government, geography, history, and more–but George Gilder looks to the core of the issue, arguing that what matters most for dynamic economic growth is knowledge. Read More ›

What is the Impact of Raising Taxes on the Wealthy?
In this short clip bestselling author and influential thinker George Gilder discusses the effects of raising taxes on the wealthy. Although this is commonly pointed to as a solution for America’s economic problems, you may be surprised by what this policy decision results in. In his new book Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Read More ›

The Economic Ruin of Europe
Assume the villain in a new James Bond movie has the goal of the economic destruction of Europe. How would he do it? First some background. In the 1960s and 1970s, Europe boasted brisk economic growth. From 1965 to 1974, government spending in Western Europe averaged 37 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), and economic growth averaged 4.3 percent Read More ›
Budget and tax issues could land Kemp vice-presidential slot
The great economic debate of 1996 is already roiled by divergent interpretations of budget plans, but now Jack Kemp and the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Policy, which just reported, are attempting to direct top attention to the still more volatile subject of tax reform.The report arrives in a capital stalemated on economic policy. In 1992 the voters Read More ›