
escherichia coli bacteria

Hitting the Brakes on ‘Rapid Evolution’

On this episode of ID The Future, host Eric Anderson concludes his Why It Matters interview with microbiologist Dr. Scott Minnich. In Part 2, Dr. Minnich critiques Lenski's famous Long Term Evolutionary Experiments. Through experiments of his own, Minnich has shown how the practical results of Lenski's project on E. coli are easily repeatable under different conditions, and how some key changes to E. coli are even reversible, both of which speak more to an organism's pre-existing capabilities than to a Darwinian explanation. This is the conclusion to a two-part interview. Read More ›

Science Uprising 05: Origin of Life

Can life spontaneously generate itself from chemicals? Or are detailed instructions required? This episode of Science Uprising investigates the origin of life and claims by scientific materialists like Stephen Hawking that life spontaneously arose from chemicals without any guidance or intelligent design. Be sure to visit to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Experts featured in Read More ›



In Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, learn about jumping insects with real gears, and the ingenious technology behind a power-punching shrimp. Enter the strange world of carnivorous plants. And check out a microscopic protein machine in a bird’s eye that may work as a GPS device by harnessing quantum entanglement. Join renowned Brazilian scientist Marcos Eberlin as Read More ›


Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose

In his extraordinary new book, Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, renowned Brazilian chemist Marcos Eberlin explores a gold rush of recent scientific discoveries that pose a grave challenge to modern evolutionary theory. Drawing on his expertise as former president of the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, Dr. Eberlin uncovers a myriad of artful solutions to major engineering challenges in Read More ›


The White Space in Evolutionary Thinking

When certain biologists discuss the early stages of life there is a tendency to think too vaguely. They see a biological wonder before them and they tell a story about how it might have come to be. They may even draw a picture to explain what they mean. Indeed, the story seems plausible enough, until you zoom in to look at the details. I don’t mean to demean the intelligence of these biologists. It’s just that it appears they haven’t considered things as completely as they should. Like a cartoon drawing, the basic idea is portrayed, but there is nothing but blank space where the profound detail of biological processes should be.

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Privileged Species Trailer

Privileged Species Trailer

In his books Evolution: A Theory in Crisis and Nature’s Destiny, biochemist Michael Denton has argued with a remarkable power and clarity that in fact life gives direct evidence of purpose. In Privileged Species he takes his case further, showing how the Earth is designed not just for life, but specifically for the human form.century science.” Michael Denton holds an Read More ›

Alpha-galactosidase (3d structure), administered as enzyme repla
Alpha-galactosidase (3d structure), administered as enzyme repla

Comments on Ken Miller’s Reply to My Essays

Kenneth Miller, Brown University Professor of Biology and author of Finding Darwin's God, has posted a response to my essays. I think it should be plain to most open-minded readers that he is struggling to fend off examples that weigh heavily against Darwinism. I do, however, want to make a few additional comments, in just two areas, to keep the issues in focus. Read More ›