Anthony Flew

Where the Evidence Leads

This review appears in the May 2008 issue of The American Spectator. There Is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind Antony Flew with Roy Abraham Varghese (HarperOne, 256 pages, $24.95) Antony Flew has long been my favorite atheist. That may be an odd thing for the son of a minister to say, but then again, Read More ›

university lecture
Business speaker giving a talk in conference hall.

Christianity Challenges the University

Few religious conferences ever rate coverage from media like Time, National Review, and local television. But then most religious conferences rarely invite prominent atheistic critics of Christianity. But a recent gathering in Dallas did precisely that. “Christianity Challenges the University: An International Conference of Theists and Atheists,” sponsored by Dallas Baptist University (DBU), brought some 40 of the world’s finest Read More ›