

Hinduism and Social Ethics

What does Hinduism teach about social ethics issues? Is there a consensus among most Hindus, or are there a variety of viewpoints? Dr. Michael Egnor and his guest, Arjuna Gallagher address current issues such as cancel culture, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. Read More ›
Holding Baby's hand

Brit Baby’s Death Ruled Better Than Small Chance of Living — Again

Readers may recall the Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases from the U.K. — in which doctors both wanted to remove life support and prevent the children from being transferred to other hospitals willing to continue care. Because the law in the U.K. permits courts to decide the “best interests” of children in medical extremis, the MDs got their way. Read More ›
Liquid Nitrogen bank containing suspension of stem cells. Cell culture for the biomedical diagnostic

Scientists Kill Embryo Research Time Restrictions

It was all such a con. During the Great Embryonic Stem Cell Debate, “the scientists” promised to restrict embryo-destructive research to 14 days. They said that was because the neural system begins to form after 14 days. Read More ›
Liquid Nitrogen bank containing suspension of stem cells. Cell culture for the biomedical diagnostic

Stop Human ‘Fetal Farming’ Before it Starts

The news rocked the scientific world. Mouse embryos were successfully developed half-way through the normal gestation period using artificial wombs. Scientists were ecstatic. The New York Times reported: “The mouse embryos looked perfectly normal. All their organs were developing as expected, along with their limbs and circulatory and nervous systems. Their tiny hearts were beating at a normal 170 beats per minute.” Read More ›

Darwin’s Corrosive Idea

In the case of Darwin’s idea of unguided evolution and of a planet of life formed from blind, merciless material processes alone, West notes a range of consequences and impacts, on how we see the sanctity of human, how we understand morality and spirituality, and much more. In an interview with Sir David Attenborough, in 2013, the famed evolutionist called Read More ›

The Death of Humanity

The Death of Humanity

Do you believe human life is inherently valuable? Unfortunately, in the secularized age of state-sanctioned euthanasia and abortion-on-demand, many are losing faith in the simple value of human life. To the disillusioned, human beings are a cosmic accident whose intrinsic value is worth no more than other animals. The Death of Humanity explores our culture’s declining respect for the sanctity of Read More ›