Emily Cook on Texas Right to Life, the Texas Heartbeat Act, and Futile Care Protocols

NIH Director Francis Collins Isn’t A National Treasure, He’s A National Disgrace

Brit Baby’s Death Ruled Better Than Small Chance of Living — Again

Scientists Kill Embryo Research Time Restrictions

Stop Human ‘Fetal Farming’ Before it Starts

An Antidote to Despair

Darwin’s Corrosive Idea
In the case of Darwin’s idea of unguided evolution and of a planet of life formed from blind, merciless material processes alone, West notes a range of consequences and impacts, on how we see the sanctity of human, how we understand morality and spirituality, and much more. In an interview with Sir David Attenborough, in 2013, the famed evolutionist called Read More ›
On Catholic non-negotiables, evangelical Mike Pence better than Catholic Tim Kaine
In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells a parable of a father who asks his sons to go into the field and work. The first son refuses to do so, but later thinks better of it and goes into the field. The second son agrees to do so, but then changes his mind and stays home. After telling this story, Read More ›

The Death of Humanity
Do you believe human life is inherently valuable? Unfortunately, in the secularized age of state-sanctioned euthanasia and abortion-on-demand, many are losing faith in the simple value of human life. To the disillusioned, human beings are a cosmic accident whose intrinsic value is worth no more than other animals. The Death of Humanity explores our culture’s declining respect for the sanctity of Read More ›