Discovering Intelligent Design


Discovering Intelligent Design is a comprehensive curriculum that presents both the biological and cosmological evidence in support of the theory of intelligent design. Developed for middle-school-age students to adults, the curriculum includes a textbook, a workbook with learning activities, and a DVD with video clips keyed to the content of the textbook. The curriculum also includes a free online companion containing chapter outlines, short videos introducing each unit, and quizzes for each chapter. Discovering Intelligent Design is designed for use by home schools and private schools rather than public schools. For more information, visit the textbook site Discovering Intelligent Design.

Full Curriculum

The full curriculum includes a textbook, a workbook, and a DVD. The full curriculum can be purchased for $49.99.

DVD Only

The Discovering Intelligent Design DVD contains edited clips from the documentaries Unlocking the Mystery of Life, The Privileged Planet, Darwin’s Dilemma, and Icons of Evolution created specifically for use with the textbook. The DVD can be purchased for $9.95.

Textbook or Workbook Only

You can purchase individual copies of either the textbook or workbook from or other online booksellers.

Classroom or Bulk Copies

If you need to purchase 10 or more copies, please contact us for bulk pricing at or (206) 826-5532.

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