Wesley J. Smith

Chair and Senior Fellow, Center on Human Exceptionalism


Utah Outlaws Nature Rights

A bit ago, I warned that environmental radicals were pushing to grant rights to the Great Salt Lake. Thankfully, legislators noticed and passed a bill prohibiting granting rights to any non-human aspects of nature.

Utah Versus Nature Rights

Utah is the fourth state — the others are Ohio, Florida, and Idaho — restricting rights to the human realm where they belong.

The “Health Community” Versus Fossil Fuels

The New England Journal of Medicine continues to publish advocacy articles that push hard-left policies on controversial issues such as climate change, guns, race, etc. — seeking to harness the authority of doctors to push non-medical political agendas. Now, we are told, the “health community” wants to end the use of fossil fuels.

Belgian Health-Fund President: Euthanize Old People to Save Money

Earlier this month, I noted that a U.K. columnist was pushing euthanasia for the elderly as a way of saving national resources. That call has now been echoed by a Belgian health-insurance official for one of the five mutual-fund companies that provide the country’s mandatory health- and disability-insurance policies.

A Market in Human Kidneys Is a Bad Idea

It is sometimes said that desperate circumstances require desperate measures. But desperation can also lead to the exploitation of the vulnerable. Such would be the case if we created a market in live-donation human kidneys.

Beware the “Right to Health”

Health and wellness are becoming the primary justifications for international technocracy, or "rule by experts." Indeed, we are told that preventing the next pandemic will require that the World Health Organization be given the power to declare pandemics and impose emergency policies internationally.

“Gender Science” Was Merely Ideology All Along

Did you hear the news? England's National Health Service (NHS) has decided that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer receive puberty blockers because "there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness . . . to make the treatment routinely available at this time."

Euthanasia Poisons People and Societies

Most of the media report on euthanasia in the glowing, uncritical language of empowered patients "dying peacefully on their own terms." In contrast, euthanasia abuses and horror stories—an ever-growing list—generally receive little focused media attention and remain outside the notice of people not engaged with the issue.

Politico Promotes a Suicide

Politico has published a long story about a big-time political consultant named Hal Malchow who is flying to Switzerland to become dead in one of the country's notorious suicide clinics.