Scott S. Powell

Senior Fellow, Center on Wealth and Poverty


Averting Insolvency Is a Key Battle America Must Win

With all the problems America is facing, the one that gets the least attention might be the most critical. The speed at which the United States will hit the wall of an insolvency crisis and collapse is approaching very fast.  The U.S. is currently spending more than $2 billion a day to service its debt, and that interest we pay on servicing the national debt is the fastest growing part of the federal budget. It will likely exceed the entire defense budget within a year. The constructive law of compound interest has been turned upside-down and we are now on a downward spiral of escalating compound debt and interest payments, wherein the U.S. government is locked into borrowing ever more money to pay the interest on new and previous debt obligations.  In the context of our

CRT: America’s Cultural Revolution

Americans have overcome many daunting challenges throughout their nation’s past, often waking up at the 11th hour before taking action and prevailing.  Protecting our citizens’ freedom and saving America as a beacon of freedom in the world should be our top priority. 

How China’s Economy and Trade Policies with the U.S. Have Changed

Part two of Discovery Senior Fellow Scott Powell's three-part discussion with China expert Bill Perry. Powell and Perry discuss how the economy of China has changed and why it’s necessary for the U.S. to have trade policies that protect our intellectual property and demand fairness and reciprocity.

Why Independents will Decide the November 3rd Election

Leadership always starts with vision. Whether or not a debate format and schedule gets back on track, President Trump needs to focus effective communication to independent voters on key domestic policy issues in the home stretch of the campaign.

Crushing the Barbarians Inside the Gates

More and more Americans in denial are being forced to face the reality that their country is on verge of being lost, with the barbarians not only inside the gates, but driving policy for the rest of us.

How the U.S. Can Solve the Current Trade Tariff Impasse With China

Trade talks between the U.S. and China have hit an impasse, but there is surprising bipartisan support for the Trump administration to stay the course on what will be a long process to resolve the full range of trade problems specific to China. Success on this first round of trade negotiations in the form of ending the tariff penalties that are at the heart of a year-old trade war, with further reduction and even elimination of tariffs on as many categories as possible, should actually be attainable in the near term. Future rounds of trade talks to find remedies for China’s intellectual property and trademark theft, national security threats, and forced technology transfer from American companies doing business in China will be far more

U.S. Trade Deal with China Imperfect, but Both Sides Benefit

The U.S. and China are edging closer to finalizing a trade deal that should end the tariff penalties that are at the heart of a year-old trade war. But a comprehensive deal that includes remedies for China’s theft of intellectual property and forced technology transfer from American companies doing business in China may not be in the cards in closing out this round of trade talks. When China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, it was granted “developing country” status, which allowed it to nurture infant industries by levying high tariffs on imports from the U.S. and Europe even while China benefited from low tariffs on its exports into those same countries.

Edging Closer to a Trade Deal

The United States and China are edging closer to finalizing a trade deal that should end the tariff penalties that are at the heart of a year-old trade war. It’s also hoped that the deal will include enforcement and penalties for China’s national security-related intellectual property (IP) theft and espionage, and provide structural changes that would end forced technology transfer and protect trade secrets and intellectual property rights of American companies doing business in China. Tariff problems trace back to 2001, when China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). At that time, China was granted “developing country” status by the WTO, which allowed it to nurture infant industries by levying high tariffs on imports from the United States and Europe even while China benefited from low tariffs on its exports into those same countries.

Democracy’s Highest Crime and Misdemeanor

In his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln reminded Americans that they were uniquely privileged to have a new birth of freedom that was contingent on “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” That was then. What about now? Every week brings new revelations and details about a cabal in the federal government whose actions border on both sedition and conspiracy. The evidence suggests that specific high level officials in the Justice Department and the FBI colluded to violate the law in unprecedented ways for the singular purpose of subverting the will of the people both before and after the 2016 election.

The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Of 2017 Is Already Delivering

If there is one thing about which most economists understand and agree it's the law of supply and demand. A derivative of that law is that demand and velocity of transactions tend to diminish as costs increase.  While few individuals disagree about this, many in the collective body of economists have become so politicized that when it comes to the cost of variables such as taxes and regulations, that consensus all but vanishes.

A Government We Deserve — or One We Need?

The results of first two presidential primaries in Iowa and NH — in which Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders lead their respective parties — should be cause for unease. Will we get "the government we deserve" rather than one we desperately need?