Darwin's Dilemma

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Are Pre-Cambrian Fossils the Solution to Darwin’s Dilemma?

On this episode of ID the Future, David Boze interviews Casey Luskin about a new study which determined that Precambrian microfossils could not have been evolutionary ancestors of the complex animals that appear in the Cambrian explosion. Previously, Darwinian paleontologists believed these fossils were multicellular animal embryos, but computer tomographic analysis has now shown they were single-celled algae-like organisms. As Boze and Luskin explain, they cannot be the solution to “Darwin’s Dilemma.”

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Defending the First Amendment: Implications of the Recent CSC Settlement

On this episode of ID the Future, Joshua Youngkin interviews Discovery Institute President Bruce Chapman about the implications of the recent lawsuit between the American Freedom Alliance (AFA) and the California Science Center (CSC). Read More ›

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Special Academic Freedom Day Update on California Science Center Lawsuits

On this special Academic Freedom Day edition of ID the Future, Casey Luskin provides an update on the ongoing lawsuits filed against California Science Center for First Amendment violations and the illegal cover-up to hide the truth about their censorship of the pro-ID film, Darwin’s Dilemma. Read More ›

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Academic Freedom Action Alert

This episode of ID the Future features breaking news that could affect your freedom to present views that dissent from Darwin in a public place. CSC Associate Director John West explains in an interview with Anika Smith.

Free speech on evolution is under attack in California, where censors have expelled the intelligent design documentary, Darwin’s Dilemma, from the state science center. Read More ›

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Behind the Scenes With Darwin’s Dilemma: An Interview With Producer Lad Allen

On this episode of ID the Future Anika Smith interviews Illustra Media producer Lad Allen on the new film out next week, Darwin’s Dilemma. Read More ›

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Climbing Mt. Improbable: A clip from Darwin’s Dilemma

Richard Dawkins has famously elaborated on Darwin’s theory of natural selection, arguing that through a slow incremental process, evolution can explain the rise of new species. The new film, Darwin’s Dilemma shows where Dawkins goes wrong. Read More ›

Darwin’s Dilemma Trailer

A documentary about the puzzling evidence from the Cambrian time period. During the time, an unfathomable amount of new life came into the world’s scene far too quickly for natural selection to be the chief cause. Watch the trailer and order the DVD to learn more.

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Journey Inside The Cell

This animation shows how the digital information encoded in DNA directs protein synthesis inside the cell and provides a unique look at the evidence for intelligent design as described in Signature in the Cell, by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer who narrates this clip and is featured prominently in Darwin’s Dilemma. The logic and arguments in Darwin’s Dilemma are based on how you infer and detect design, much of which is explained in Dr. Meyer’s book. For more information visit www.signatureinthecell.com.