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Economics Video
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High Tech Will Rebuild Our Economy – Q&A

The restructuring of our economy is as significant as the recession. Tech writer George Gilder (Microcosm, Telecosm and, most recently, The Israel Test) will describe the way new technology can rescue the US, and the world, from the present slump. Some think the high tech revolution is exhausted; Gilder says, “Not so fast!”


The Next Middle East Wars

Despite some hopeful signs from the “Arab Spring,” the Middle East is, if anything, in graver danger than before. So what does this mean for U.S. foreign policy in the region? And how should the U.S. counter totalitarian and terror threats? Read More ›

Economics Video
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High Tech Will Rebuild Our Economy

The restructuring of our economy is as significant as the recession. Tech writer George Gilder (Microcosm, Telecosm and, most recently, The Israel Test) will describe the way new technology can rescue the US, and the world, from the present slump. Some think the high tech revolution is exhausted; Gilder says, “Not so fast!”

Intelligent Design Video
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Is Intelligent Design Bad Theology?

Dr. Jack Collins, Sr. Fellow at the Discovery Institute, answers the center question by going through definitions, history, and various aspirations of past and present theologians and religious groups. Listen to how he surprisingly answers the question.


Bruce Agnew on Dave Ross

Bruce discusses the possibility of creating cheap, efficient rail connecting Bellevue, Renton, Woodinvillie, Redmond, amongst other cities.

Intelligent Design Video
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Stephen Meyer Debates Peter Atkins

Signature in the Cell author Stephen Meyer debates Oxford University chemist and “new atheist” Peter Atkins on Premier Radio UK. The program is in conjunction with the release of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which is coming out on DVD in the UK just this month. Read More ›