
Chapman’s News & Ideas Discovery Institute Welcomes Former White House Correspondent as New Chapman Center Fellow

Seattle — Veteran journalist Debra J. Saunders will join Discovery Institute’s Chapman Center for Citizen Leadership as a fellow on May 1st. 

Tapping her experience as a White House Correspondent for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Daily News, Saunders will resume her weekly column, which is syndicated nationally through Creators Syndicate.

“I understand that voters have a lot of distrust in the media these days,” Saunders said about joining Discovery Institute and resuming column writing. “Many publications and networks seem to be talking to only one side of America’s political divide.”

Saunders explained that her goal will be to look beyond the well-worn talking points, and challenge big media’s predictable take on major stories and put events in context.

The Chapman Center hosts public events designed to develop the next generation of public and private sector leaders with a spirit of collegiality and commitment to public policy. 

The Center is named in honor of Bruce Chapman, co-founder and now chairman of Discovery Institute, as well as a one-time director of the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Organizations under President Ronald Reagan, member of the Seattle City Council, and Washington Secretary of State.

Source: Discovery Institute
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