
Chapman’s News & Ideas Canon White & Tough Dealings in Iraq

photoCanon Andrew White, the Anglican “Vicar of Baghdad”, has seen his congregation shrink from 6000 to 160 since the Iraq War began in 2003. The Christian population of Baghdad “will never come back,” he fears, many of them now in camps in Northern Iraq’s Kurdish areas. Some Christians have made it to America.

Canon White was the guest of Elaine and Steve Meyer and Susan Imam in suburban Seattle on Saturday night. He’s shown here with Jacob Imam, Mrs. Imam’s son, who studies at Baylor University and soon will be at Oxford. Jacob was an intern recently at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.

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Canon White–heavily guarded by Iraqi soldiers, as is his church, St. George’s–works constantly and quietly for peace among religious peoples in the Middle East. His staff help the former medical doctor maintain a sizable charitable program of refugee relief, particularly near Ebril.

For over 16 years Canon White has labored against the religious and cultural challenges of Iraq. One hopes the story of Iraq’s torment will soon take a better turn for him and his flock.