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Personal View: John Wain — Sunday Times, 11 September 1988

…I remember the first time an American university lecturer remarked to me innocently, “I teach Auden.” My impulse was to reply, “Yes? And what d’you teach him?” That was 30 years ago. I would not have that impulse today, when we are all taught and “done” and bundled up and handed out as part of a package of Education. Does Read More ›

Forged Documents Review

Edited by Pat Bozeman Cloth, 180 pages, 3 b&w illustrations.OAK KNOLL BOOKS, ISBN 0-938768-22-0 * Price $25.00 In the past few years the world of rare books and manuscripts has been severely shaken by a number of highly publicized cases of forgery. The media has been most attracted to the Mormon document forgeries of Mark Hofmann which ended in bombings Read More ›

Washington’s Bogeymen

Big Government and Mass Media always feed on fear of monsters. While politicians promise to protect the people from the dreaded private sector, leading newspapers such as the Washington Post and network shows such as “60 Minutes” chime in with continuing reports on the economy as seen from the shores of Loch Ness. Peering through the shifting, inscrutable murk of Read More ›

Teaching intelligent design as religion or science?

Imagine yourself the head of Christian education for a large local church. Suppose that among its many ministries the church operates a high school. Let us say the high school has been existence for a number of years, and has until now encountered no difficulties with state certification boards. Unfortunately, this happy state of affairs is about to change. Recently Read More ›

Is Intelligent Design a Dumb Idea?

Introduction: How is this becoming a “current problem”? The notion of “intelligent design” for explaining what we see in the world of living things — including ourselves — is becoming a matter of open controversy of late. For example, in policy statements from the National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association (available on the Internet), you’ll Read More ›

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Charles Darwin on India postage stamp

The Deniable Darwin

Charles Darwin presented On the Origin of Species to a disbelieving world in 1859 — three years after Clerk Maxwell had published "On Faraday's Lines of Force," the first of his papers on the electromagnetic field. Maxwell's theory has by a process of absorption become part of quantum field theory, and so a part of the great canonical structure created by mathematical physics. By contrast, the final triumph of Darwinian theory, although vividly imagined by biologists, remains, along with world peace and Esperanto, on the eschatological horizon of contemporary thought. Read More ›
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Garden with walkways and green grass. Photo taken from above drone.

The End of Materialist Science

Simply the thing you are shall make you live. Old Spanish Proverb For the moment, we are all waiting for the gate of time to open. The heroic era of scientific exploration appears at an end, the large aching questions settled. An official ideology is everywhere in evidence and everywhere resisted. From the place where space and time are curved Read More ›

Articles by Phillip E. Johnson

This page links to the Phillip E. Johnson page maintained by the Access Research Network. Read More ›