Lucky Jim
For more information about David Berlinski – his new books, video clips from interviews, and upcoming events – please visit his website at Genes, Girls, and Gamow After the Double Helix by James D. Watson Knopf, 304 pp., $26 A DOCTORATE from Indiana University in 1949, the Cavendish laboratories at Cambridge University, the discovery of DNA. Thereafter, immortality. James Read More ›
Congress Urges Teaching of Diverse Views on Evolution, but Darwinists Try to Deny It
After the U.S. Congress adopted a statement in December calling for students to be exposed to a diversity of views when topics “such as biological evolution” are taught, a pro-Darwin group is absurdly trying to claim victory through a creative reinterpretation of the legislative record. Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education asserts that the recent statement by Read More ›
Second Thoughts about Peppered Moths
Every student of biological evolution learns about peppered moths. The dramatic increase in dark forms of this species during the industrial revolution, and experiments pointing to differential bird predation as the cause, have become the classical story of evolution by natural selection. The same careful scientific approach which established the classical story in the first place, however, has now revealed Read More ›
Signs of Intelligence
Cloning Reality
Brave New World has arrived at last, as we always knew it would. On January 22, 2001, Britain’s House of Lords voted overwhelmingly to permit the cloning and maintenance of human embryos up to 14 days old for the purposes of medical experimentation, thereby taking the first terrible step toward the legalization of full-blown human cloning. Meanwhile, an international group Read More ›
Ohio Tackles Evolution Controversy How the subject of evolution is treated in the classroom has emerged again as a source of controversy, this time in the Ohio State Board of Education. Until now, Ohio public schools have not mandated any direct teaching about the subject. “Standards” is the new fad sweeping across schools today, and the Ohio legislature has ordered that the Ohio Read More ›
Clinton’s Afghan Triumph?
My Beltway friend was furious. “Every cocktail party I go to, the liberals are claiming it was Bill Clinton’s military that won Afghanistan.” “Glad we go to different parties,” rejoindered I from Seattle. Then I started hearing it on television, and noticed a similar claim in, of all places, The Washington Times. According to Morton Kondracke’s column of Feb. 4, Read More ›
Shots in the Dark?
God, Man and Physics
For more information about David Berlinski – his new books, video clips from interviews, and upcoming events – please visit his website at The God Hypothesis Discovering Design in our “Just Right” Goldilocks Universe by Michael A. Corey Rowman & Littlefield, 256 pp., $27 GOD’S EXISTENCE is not required by the premises of quantum mechanics or general relativity, the great Read More ›