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Darwin Would Love This Debate

Which option (“A” or “B”) represents your view? “A. Biology teachers should teach only Darwin’s theory of evolution and the scientific evidence that supports it.” “B. Biology teachers should teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence against it.” Only 15 percent of adults nationally, according to a 2001 Zogby poll, agree with “A,” while 71 percent agree Read More ›

The New Grim Reapers

Is all human cloning wrong? Should doctors be allowed to kill people in permanent comas and harvest their organs? Would it be moral to deny expensive medical procedures to the seriously ill and disabled in order to provide health coverage for the uninsured? Do elderly people have a duty to die to spare their families and communities the financial and Read More ›

Professor Dumped Over Evolution Beliefs

Original Article (AgapePress) – A university professor said she was asked to resign for introducing elite students to flaws in Darwinian thought, and she now says academic freedom at her school is just a charade. During a recent honors forum at Mississippi University for Women (MUW), Dr. Nancy Bryson gave a presentation titled “Critical Thinking on Evolution” — which covered Read More ›

Making Tracks

OLYMPIA — Increasingly popular passenger trains rumble between Portland and Seattle four times a day as the upgraded Amtrak Cascades service continues to attract business travelers, sightseers and Mariners fans seeking an alternative to airports and Interstate 5. Ridership has risen sixfold in the past eight years, turning the 466-mile Eugene-to-Vancouver, B.C., corridor into one of Amtrak’s fastest-growing services. Rider Read More ›

Is Science Democratic?

A recent Zogby International poll found that 65 percent of Ohioans believe “Biology teachers should teach Darwin’s theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence against it.” Only 19 percent favored biology teachers teaching just Darwin’s theory and only that evidence which supports it. What do these numbers mean? On the most obvious level, for every one Ohioan who wants Read More ›

Frank Foundation, World Child and “Wrongful Adoption”

It’s every adoptive parent’s nightmare. You go to an agency, one that is officially accredited to do adoptions from Russia and tell them you would like to adopt a healthy baby. You do everything you’re supposed to, are never told that the baby’s anything but normal. Then, a few weeks or months later you learn that the child you love Read More ›

Loosening Darwin’s Grip

Original Story Larry Taylor had run his volunteers through public-speaking drills, and now he was seeing the fruit of his labor. Parents favoring a new science education policy in Cobb County, Ga., a policy that would allow evidence against evolution into classrooms long dominated by Darwin’s flawed theory, were gaining the upper hand at the county’s September board meeting. The Read More ›

Bush Tax Bill Fulfills Campaign Pledge to Aid Children and Families

Prospective adoptive families scanning the news today and finding no information about the adoption tax credit can relax. Sources on Capitol Hill said Saturday that the Republican-controlled Conference on the President’s proposal to return some of the tax surplus to citizens included the credit in the package. According to these sources, tucked into the bill that will be signed into Read More ›

FCC Reform

It seems almost churlish to suggest reforms for an agency whose current commissioners have shown signs of a welcome shift away from harmful policies of the past. It amounts to penalizing those doing pretty well now for acts of predecessors who did great damage. But there is no assurance that some future constellation of commissioners will retain good judgment, and there is ever the problem of attitudes among longtime staff. Thus, certain reforms are appropriate notwithstanding today’s solid cast at the agency. Read More ›