Download Free Report Showing Darwin’s Corrosive Impact on Faith and Ethics


Atheist biologist Richard Dawkins famously declared that “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.” Now, for the first time, a new nationwide survey has revealed just how corrosive an impact Darwin’s theory has had on faith and ethics in America.

The survey asked questions of a representative sample of nearly 3,700 American adults, including more than 1,100 self-described atheists and agnostics. Respondents were given a list of ideas about science and nature and asked “for you personally, which of the following ideas have made the existence of God less likely, more likely, or have had no impact on your belief in the existence of God.”

By filling out the form on this page, you can download the entire 17-page Darwin’s Corrosive Idea survey report for FREE and discover:

  • What two scientific ideas have been the most influential in making the existence of God seem “less likely” to those who have lost their faith.
  • What two scientific ideas have been the most influential in making the existence of God seem “more likely” to both believers and agnostics.
  • What percentage of Americans think “evolution shows that human beings are not fundamentally different from other animals.”
  • What percentage of atheists and agnostics agree with biologist Richard Dawkins that “the universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”

Download Darwin’s Corrosive Idea now by filling out the form and you will also get a free subscription to the Faith and Science Update, a monthly email from Discovery Institute that supplies information about new articles, videos, curricula, and events relating to faith and science, and to occasional announcements from the Center for Science and Culture

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