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Zombie Science Files

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More than fifteen years ago, CSC biologist jonathan Wells leveled an attack against 10 outdated defenses of Darwinism in Icons of Evolution. His book made quite an impact, becoming a classic of the intelligent design movement and even forcing some textbook publishers to remove grossly inaccurate illustrations and examples from their textbooks. But the trouble with icons is that, like zombies, they just keep coming back. And in his latest book, Jonathan Wells sets the record straight once again.

Out this month, Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution functions as both a sequel to Wells’ earlier book and a stand-alone frontal assault on the latest iterations of textbook Darwinism. In it, Wells explores a new set of icons that has invaded science and updates the record on some old ones. New topics include DNA, the human eye, vestigial organs, antibiotic resistance, and cancer.

Zombie science, according to Wells, is when establishment science defends materialistic explanations even when they don’t fit the evidence.

“These are explanations that purport to be scientific in the empirical sense, that is, based on evidence,” says Wells, “but in fact they are not. They are explanations that grow out of materialistic philosophy… So empirically, they are dead. But they keep stalking our education system, our laboratories, our textbooks. They influence the lives of our children, of our culture.”

While Wells is not afraid to point out the consequences of relying on outdated, dogmatic science, his book ends with a hopeful tone. After surveying the crumbling foundations of modern evolutionary biology, he points us towards a better way. Wells’ new book is already earning high marks.

University of Georgia biochemist Russell Carlson said, “Wells convincingly shows that the ‘icons’ used to support evolution continue to be taught in spite of the increasing evidence against them.” Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Medved says “Wells delivers… with his customary gusto and clarity. This important new book makes a persuasive case that the most radical, least rational and tolerant of all contemporary religious faiths is the fundamentalist belief in materialism.”

The Center will be mounting an extensive social media and talk radio campaign to promote Wells’ new book. In coming months, it will also be producing a series of video clips and short documentaries exploring the key ideas of the book and featuring brand new, exclusive interviews with Jonathan Wells. Finally, the CSC will be launching a new website of resources at www.iconsofevolution.com. Follow the CSC YouTube channel, DiscoveryScienceNews, and the Evolution News website to stay updated on all of our efforts connected to the new book. The Center will host the national book party on April 18, at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. It will be livestreamed, so stay tuned!

The Center for Science and Culture

Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture advances the understanding that human beings and nature are the result of intelligent design rather than a blind and undirected process. We seek long-term scientific and cultural change through cutting-edge scientific research and scholarship; education and training of young leaders; communication to the general public; and advocacy of academic freedom and free speech for scientists, teachers, and students.