professional development

Tired upset mature gray-haired Asian, business woman, manager or teacher, takes a break from online work, massages her head with her hand, has a headache, sits at the table, took off glasses,need rest
Photo by Kateryna on Adobe Stock

School Leaders Can Mitigate the Teacher Hiring Crisis

The teacher-hiring crisis is far from over. High teacher-turnover rates are outpacing the sharp decline in student enrollment numbers in K-12 public schools. Read More ›
bored student
Bored pupil sitting at his desk
Photo by WavebreakMediaMicro on Adobe Stock

Factory Model Education Ignores Varied Learning Readiness

Take 25 adults the same age, from a range of different backgrounds, into an Apple Store and give them the same amount of time to learn the same device with the same directions. Obviously, learning outcomes will vary. Why do we ignore this reality for K-12 students? Read More ›