- Date
- May232013
- May
- 05
- May
- 23
- 23
- 2013
- Time
- 08:50:28
- Locale
- Discovery Office
- Venue
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Gorton Lecture with the Honorable George Scott
Representative Hans Zeiger interviews former State Senator George ScottGeorge Scott is a former state legislator and a political historian who has held various other jobs in public policy, business, and academia. He is a member of Discovery Institute’s Center for Civic Leadership advisory board. Current State Representative Hans Zeiger will interview Dr. Scott about his newly-released book Governors of Washington. From boring to eccentric, and from left to right, Washington’s governors have helped to shape our corner of America. What does it take to succeed in the Governor’s office? With a bipartisan coalition in the State Senate and a new Governor in our own day, Scott will provide some historic context to current events and enhance our understanding of Washington’s unique political culture. Copies of Scott’s books, including his classic Majority of One: Legislative Life and Turning Points in Washington’s Public Life will be available for sale at the event.
This event is sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Civic Leadership (CFCL), and is part of our Gorton Lecture Series. Though the work of the CFCL is tailored to students and young professionals, attendance at this event is open to anyone.
A selection of regional wines and cheeses will precede the event (suggested donation $10). Space is limited so register online now! If you have questions, please contact Anna Salick at (206) 292-0401 ext. 102.
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
208 Columbia Street
Seattle, WA 98104
United States