- Date
- Sep292006
- September
- 09
- Sep
- 29
- 29
- 2006
- Time
- 19:00:00
- Locale
- Tampa, FL
- Venue
- USF Sun Dome
Darwin or Design? Resolving the Conflict
University of South Florida's Sun DomeTwo key biologists have emerged as leading skeptics of Darwinism: Jonathan Wells, in Icons of Evolution, shows that much scientific evidence conflicts with the textbook theory. Michael Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box, shows how intricate machines inside living cells have presented a challenge to Darwinian evolution. Both are Discovery Institute senior fellows.
Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity invite you to hear Behe and Wells discuss “Darwin or Design?” at the USF Sun Dome, Friday night, September 29th, at 7 PM. After the presentations there will be a Q&A session with priority given to professors and students.
High school and college students and teachers are free; all others are just $5. Each student will receive a free copy of the DVD Unlocking the Mystery of Life.
Tickets may be purchased now at the Sun Dome box office from Monday through Friday, 9AM 6 PM, or by calling (727) 736-4662.
For more information visit the PSSI website here.